Sivo isn't good enough..simple!!!

We won which is good but it doesnt change the fact sivo is overrated.

He proves again and again he just isn't good enough. He is super one dimensional.

His defensive reads are absolute trash, let's in easy try's is super sus under high ball. Turns like a bus.

He is a great finisher close to the line and makes the occasional decent run in space.

He's 105kg and runs like a 87 hilux marshmallow. 

Put dragons Mikaele Ravalawa's heart in sivos body you have the best NRL winger.

I may be the only one but I'm so done with his lazy ass efforts and lack of footy brain. 


What you guys think? 


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        • That was my exact thought. Everyone knows to come in from the side and he folds instantly.

        • This is first grade footy - not park footy. Every player is entitled to be tackled and make a tackle . He still makes his fair share of big plays. Even Lomu got tackled 90% of the time 

      • His try tonight is almost a picture perfect example of why he just cannot be judged by his try scoring stats alone... he caught the ball 1m from the line with no one infront of him on the end of an overlap. He took 1 or 2 steps and put the ball down.

        Great, we get the try, the scoreboard ticks over, another stat goes against his name... all good... but, it had zero to do with his effort or ability. Any winger in the entire comp scores his try tonight. The average nursing home resident using a zimmer frame probably also scores his try tonight.

        • Vai Toutai would've dropped that.

        • Exactly. He's got amazing set ups allot of the time.. sure he's done some good try's aswell.


          Sivo D riders need to wake up

          • So does Alex Johnston. He's scored a lot of tries but most are just catch and pass. Mitchell, Graham, Walker etc all do the hard work, he just finishes the move off.

            • Most of Johnston's tries came from that run around play they used to do. For a long time teams couldn't shut it down. 

  • All the physical tools in the world just no effort or defensive iq to be found, can get extremely lazy.

  • He does some dumb things at times, but if I remember so did the goat that was Radradra. That's about where the comparison stops however. He has his pros and cons.

    He does finish well, he's normally in a good position in attack, very good under the high ball, I think he does read in defence quite well. Tonight he ironed out Hiku by racing up, the very next play Hiku fumbles it when they had an over lap cause he saw Sivo coming at him and shit himself. The one tonight where he went for the intercept was a moment of miss judgement.

    But yes he doesn't seem to be able to sprint, a fast jog is his top speed. He used to have the most potent fend in the game but it seems to of disappeared. He used to bump off defenders left right and centre but rarely does now.

    As a whole I still think he is above the average of wingers in the game, or at leasts Parra's best option atm.

    • The issue with the Feld try, he kinda half commits to the intercept then turns to Feldt. I reckon if he fully committed to one of the two, he saves the try. Speaking of try savers, Whatta tackle by Brown 

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