Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"Why would they care? Still get paid their big contracts win or lose. It's the fans (well some of em) that suffer."
8 hours ago
Poppa replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Well said Graham, fan site's are well out of the information package to make judgements in foresight, we are much better after the event LOL"
Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"lol how old are you 20? I've been in the parra jr rugby league system as a player, coach and trainer for nearly 28yrs, seen and heard it all, off the top of my head can name 10 'no name' coaches in that system who would do the same if not better…"
Poppa replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Look I am a punter and back my fair share of losers, even when my horse runs last, I still did the form beforehand.
Chief seems to keep score but regardless of my form I am still punting and in the game. Chief apparently is not anymore (in the game)…"
Uncle Wizards Sleeve indigenous elder He/Him replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"You tell us who you're recommending , Plops , and then ill find someone that's the exact opposite and recommend them."
Poppa replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Who are you recommending Frankie and what knowledge of the incumbents do you have to suggest a track record of success.
Are you people born negative, can you not be positive about something. "
Poppa replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Well to start with the structure is 25 years older than Brian Smith. nice rhetoric Mick, but go back to the original discussion and you guys lose the debate hands down.
LB, you are arguing trying to justify something to yourself. EA is exactly right…"
Graham polkinghorne replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Playing FG and coaching kids are 2 different roles. These fellas obviously believe they have the tools and patience to be successful. Was there better options, dunno. I'm  100% with them and hope they improve our pathways."
LB replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"We are definately seeing talent come from our pathways, just cannot seem to develop or notice the ones we should keep."
Marty replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"You know this do first hand?"
Uncle Wizards Sleeve indigenous elder He/Him replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Yeah around the grounds most are full of nuffies. Ours is probably one of the only clubs I've seen  that will have an ex international on the list.  Theres probably a couple , but it'd be minor. Most are nuffies . "
Coryn Hughes replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Really what we want to see from the club is a clear transference of talent all the way to FG.Obviously we are producing some but not all of it is making the jump.This is the challenge for our pathways team.
As for names and who we have well they'll…"
EA replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Hilarious. Your such a good analyst. Would fit perfectly on Zero Tackle with their pure dribble."
EA replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"You do not think there assumptions on Rankin is an overreaction and pure judgement made of BS rather than looking at the data (results and performances) of the 2 sides he has coached this year."
EA replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Who do you fucking think Rankin was learning under you dipshit. When Rankin moved to his coaching role, he was the assistant to Brennan.  Rankin worked with SG ball last year. They won the SG ball final and went to the semi-finals of the flegg side…"
EA replied to Mr 'BringBackFitzy' Analyst's discussion Pathway Coaches named for 2025 season
"Fuck off dickhead. Look at their performance and results instead off just bashing them for their name. Surely anyone with the name 'anaylst' realises you use data and results to make conclusion not an individuals name. "





sydney, nsw


April 15



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