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1 Eyed Eel Newsletter

Moses Named Captain by 1 Eyed Eel

Eels halfback Mitchell Moses has been named captain for the 2025 season

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Hear from our CEO Sarantinos and Football Manager Mark O'Neill on our 2025 season

A good listen to,  if you get a chance. Both Sarantinos and Mark O'Neill talk everything from new coach, new direction, new players, our top 28 players, player options and what they are doing about them. Goes for roughly 30minutes.At the 19 minute Mark O'Neill talks about the dreaded player options and how they are attempting to have them removed ASAP, I enjoyed listening to this part. Here's the…

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11 Replies · Reply by Mick aka Nortius Maximus 6 minutes ago
Views: 329

Playing teams after their bye

Hello I thought the Eels had a particularly bad / unfair ? schedule of games against teams coming off the bye last season. Does anyone know what the situation is this season?Particularly in the latter part of the season when players are carrying niggling injuries the week off between games is a real benefit and we were on the receiving end a hell of a lot of times last year.

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1 Reply · Reply by The Badger 1 hour ago
Views: 139

Please help me win VIP tickets to Parra Vs Canberra in Darwin

Admins, please remove if this post isn't allowedHey everyoneDarwin-based Parramatta Eels fan hereLongtime lurker, but rare posterNT major events, sponsor for Parramatta Eels is having a competition on Facebook to win VIP tickets to the Eels vs Raiders game at TIO Stadium in Darwin later this yearTo win, you need to have the most "❤️" on your comment for the competition on their Facebook pageIf you could find it in your hearts to spare 30 seconds to put a ♥️ upvote on my comment for competition…

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11 Replies · Reply by Sammy K 18 hours ago
Views: 350

new rules trial

Copypasta from Foxsports"New sin bin rules to be trialedThe NRL has also told clubs the pre-season challenge will be used to trial a “new assessment” of how the sin-bin is used for illegal high tackles.The trial will mean players will be sin binned if a high tackle results in the opposing player being removed from the field as a Category 1 HIA, or is the player fails the Category 2 HIA assessment, regardless of whether play has subsequently resumed after the incident." Coming soon to a regular…

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15 Replies · Reply by Randy Handlinger yesterday
Views: 531


One evening, the old farmer decided to take a walk to the pond, since it had been a while since he had been there. He took a large white bucket to collect some fruit on the long walk to the remote area.As he approached the pond, he heard voices laughing and shouting with joy. As he walked further, he saw that several young women were bathing naked in his pond.He made his presence known, and they all moved to the deep end. One of the girls shouted at him, "We're not coming out until you…

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11 Replies · Reply by Poppa Jan 13
Views: 610

Eels in the News