So i have been told, especially for my age, i have a very odd taste in music compared to my peers. I was brought up listening to who my mum and dad played in the car, usually with long car trips to the Gold Coast. They would play a mixture of everything from; The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, Billy Joel, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, Elvis, Meat Loaf, Paul McCartney & Wings, Cold Chisel etc. That is music today that i am drawn to. I do like some of today's music, like only about a month i saw Bruno Mars at the SFS and it was fantastic. Though the newer type music must be really good for me to be interested. Each to their own on their music choices but i lean towards rock music today, from old to new.
I bring this up as my favourite artist/band release their 10th album on Friday, it is relevant to before as they are quite possibly the most hated band in the world but i love them and seen them live 4 times, that is Nickelback. Get Rollin' is their first album since 2017, my excitement levels are through the roof, knowing all of their songs off by heart it has pleased me to see what they have released from the new album is just as good as before, they are like a fine wine to me, getting better as they go.
But this is the best thing about music and movies and that type of media. There is no right or wrong way to stipulate good music. Yes one artist sells more music than others, but to someone the music that is considered awful might be amazing to them. I despise Justin Bieber, my wife loves him and booked tickets to go see him at the SFS. But i do not scolled her asking "Why do you like him? He is awful" i instead think im glad you like him and hope he keeps making good music you like, he's just not for me. I got so much crap thrown at me at school for loving Nickelback but i used say music is subjective and to me they are amazing, what is the issue with that.
So i want to know everyone else's taste in music, anyone seen some great acts live? Seen some big acts live that weren't very good or were amazing? I have seen a fair few concerts, Nickelback always do a great show. Paul McCartney was once in a lifetime and was mesmorising to see live. Elton John was good also. Justin Timberlake to me was the best "Show" I have seen live.
Let me know, or even berade me for loving the worst band in the world to majority of the world, i've heard it all before haha.
I like harmonies and lyrics you can understand.
In the early sixties I was a rocker and no self respecting rocker would listen to surf songs. So I had no interest in the Beach Boys shit. Someone gave a copy of an album called Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. It wasn’t a big hit when it came out but is rated one of the best and most innovative albums ever. I became a huge fan and still am. I collected Beach Boys albums and have about 80 mostly originals. Anyone who hasn’t heard Pet Sounds and the genius of Brian Wilson should.
Brian Wilson is very understated today as one of the best musical minds, pure genius and perfectionist. Just an earlier song like 'I get around' simple lyrics but it is much more than that, just their talents came out of every song and performance they did.
Good Vibrations is one everyone talks about as Brian Wilson was a pure perfectionist on that song that he was to the point of being a pest.
Sometimes simple music is the best music. You even have like the lead singer of Nickelback, Chad Kroeger, talking about when he was younger he would listen to like Motley Crue, Metallica, Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath etc. But also would listen to The Beatles, ABBA, Billy Joel and Elton John who are on the other end of the spectrum. Goes to show, no matter the music, if it is quality it will find audiences in any group of fans.
Brian is 80 and still performing with his own band Mike Love is 80 and still performing with his band.
I know and still performing at a world class level. I believe if Dennis and Carl were still alive they would be still performing also.
not bad for a couple of old guys
My music tastes are quite broad. I like everything that was made before 2000 and didn't feature 3 or 4 queer looking guys without instruments , didn't have 3 or 4 women without instruments , didn't have guys with white sunglasses and spiked dyed hair , or have a token black guy or fat chick.
In other words , no boy bands , no girl bands of the equivalent, no Green day or Travis Barker try hard type crap ,
Or even those who wear make-up or masks; like Kiss and Slipknot respectifully?
Again each to their own, but i see what you mean. I remember i had an argument with my brother once, he loves all the modern type music, i mentioned how performers like Nickelback and Foo Fighters for example would work harder on stage than say Usher or Justin Timberlake would. He argued they have to dance and that is difficult to do while singing. Might be the case but try playing a guitar, singing a song, keeping in line with your entire band and add pace to the concert through music you are producing yourself. Artist that are dancing are very talented but are not playing their own music, they have bands in the back a lot now but they do not need to play something themselves to assist or lead the band behind them.
Not saying singing and dancing is easy, it is bloody difficult, but so is playing a guitar, singing and keeping up in line with everyone else in your band.
Lol, yeah Travis Barker's a real try-hard drummer hey :)
I mean like , come on ....
Haha, mate, what are your thoughts on this musical freak of nature (and, granted, genius)? My first thought is "lock up the kiddies"
Books shouldn't be judged by thier covers :)