Nine and foxtel should bne ashamed of how one sided they are against parra and how sorry they are for the roosters,
the roosters are getting what they deserve with injuries and been over the salary cap for years.
It;s about time they had there fair share of injuries every other team has been through it where the rooster were injury free for years.
Dam straight Gordo!
Gordon what side of Claymore you from ?
All 4 panelists on NRL 360 were sucking rooster cock making a case that we should have been down to 11 at the halftime siren. The fact that teddy came into contact with Marat's shoulder having already folded his knees is what they turned a blind eye to.
Last night on the Matty John's show, Hindy made an attempt to defend Marata but he was cut off and was probably told by his earpiece to "shut the fuck up about defending Marata".
This whole debacle with all fox people on uncle nick's payroll disgusts me. This is Vlad Putin stuff of the highest level. Banana Republic shit all the way.
Every other cunt is making a song and dance that the chooks were hard done by. Fuck them and fuck the storm too. They didn't make a song and dance aboout Matto been knocked out for 6 weeks. They cried bloody murder to Latrell copping the judiciary sweet although he was put on report 3-4 times in the same fucking game. Fucks the toothless meth heads from Redfern too. Crying that the suspension was going to cost him the Dally M. We're talking about a grub who tries to purposely injure players.
That's why I don't watch either of them.
Parra's big swinging dick is coming their way so they best clench their butt-cheeks but lube up at the same time as contingency.