Merry Christmas

To the one eyed eels family, 

I say family, cause like many we are full of weird individuals and lunatics but we all agree on something...... The eels 

Have a great Christmas one and all.  It's been another great year of bantar and discussion about our beloved eels. 

Realists and unicorns unite and enjoy this great day. 

If for some reason you don't celebrate Christmas, enjoy the day off work. If you don't drink, maybe start and if you don't eat pork, we'll what can I say. ..... More for me. 

So have a great holidays, enjoy kwanza, happy honica and most importantly merry festivious.... 

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EelsAgeMe replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
8 minutes ago
EelsAgeMe replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
"Hang on, the massive assumption here is if that didn't happen we'd score. Just imagine all Melbourne players were on side, and then think of the dumbest way we'd stuff up the play. Chances are whatever you're thinking our players would find an even…"
9 minutes ago
Graham polkinghorne replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"So we pay 500k because we think other clubs think his a future champ. If his about big dollars now see ya later. As Gus said his not worth what his asking.
Think you would pick up a decent proven back for half million dollars."
9 minutes ago
BEM replied to LB's discussion Eels and Broncos proposed trade
"I'd take combo in a heartbeat. 
I hear he can play a couple of positions 😆"
18 minutes ago
EelsAgeMe replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
"Dumb crack"
18 minutes ago
Adam Magrath replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"There isn't a figure specified for Dylan Brown, he could well be on more than Crichton as well. Their spine is on pittance compared to ours. Gus has stated they don't do player options. I know the damage has already been done and it's going to take…"
23 minutes ago
Bup replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"They may have bought a lot of players but they built trust in each other , how you get there's irrelevant.
The dogs are playing for each other , they don't let there teammates down and they've earnt their premiership points. Amazing what you can do…"
29 minutes ago
The Badger replied to LB's discussion Eels and Broncos proposed trade
"If we were only "losing" 4 of the last 21 we'd be happy as. 
I know what you meant though."
31 minutes ago
Nitram replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"Crichton's manager failed him"
35 minutes ago
adnan replied to LB's discussion Eels and Broncos proposed trade
"I think they want to get rid of combo. Attitude problem"
39 minutes ago
Graham polkinghorne replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"Well let someone else pay it. Right now he is average. Have a look around at what you can buy for 500k."
41 minutes ago
Charbs replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"Reading through the comments, here's my unpopular opinion. 
Not convinced with the Dogs yet. Leaps and bounds better than last year, yes. Great team and coach, yes. But IMO they look like the Sharks of the past couple of years: Great against bottom…"
54 minutes ago
CarloEEL2 replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Gutherson's post gane presser message
I'm done 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️I've done all I can do "
1 hour ago
Zip zip replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Ryles- complete clean out happening.
"Every single one of those assistants must go. One of the worst in defence, dumb in attack and easily the most unfit team in the competition. Second half capitulation due to fatigue. 
1 hour ago
Parra_Greg replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Gutherson's post gane presser message
"Kiss my ass perhaps?"
1 hour ago
Avon Barksdale replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"Shame Parra doesn't have anyone capable of doing this competently "
1 hour ago


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