The Crow

Met the great man at his Gerringong Pub today for the first time. What a gentleman! Thanks for all the great memories over the years Mick.10233895861?profile=RESIZE_710x

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  • Mick and Peter Mortimer sat directly behind me at the 09 grand final, absolutely top shelf bloke, they were both very pleasant and quite happy to chat.

  • This man "THE CROW" is my all time fav EEL. When I played rep league as a youngster I tried to mould my gam and goal kicking around him

    • Very classy player and man 👏🏻👏🏻👊😎

      • Theres the carlo kiss of death right there.

        Mick, please be safe in the next few days/weeks.

        • 😆😆😆 far out lol 

    • Bit overrated though, wouldnt want him kicking a goal to save your life.

      Wouldnt want him coaching to save your life either

      • For his day he was a great kicker, toe bashing leather balls off sand isn't easy.

        As a centre he was defensively flawless and was impossible to put on the ground when carrying the ball.

  • Nice one Garry, good to see you got out ok, rumoured to be a few bodies buried under the Gerringong.

    • Your opionion mate. To be honest It was mentioned by the rep coach back in 84 when I played school rep footy that I played a bit similar to the crow. My all time fav and always will be

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EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Nava with great work. Winger jammed in but he avoid him and than draws in two more defenders and flicks it out the back the Alamadine who walks in untouched "
29 seconds ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Wow what a try assist from Nanva. He has really impressed me.
That was slick from Lynn to Sanders. "
44 seconds ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"He has that aggressive side which I think we need in first grade. Had big hype as a junior. That acl set him back but I am beginning to see why he was so rated as a junior."
8 minutes ago
The Badger replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
"To be fair, we probably dropped the ball before the 6 again call registered."
9 minutes ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Good to see Pryke getting game time in the first half."
9 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Brazel reminds me more of Liam Martin than Guymer does "
12 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"agree on everything"
13 minutes ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Having 8 players eligible for Flegg is showing in experience. 
I have not seen much of Nanva but I have been  impressed with his contact. A lot of kids playing centre usually struggle but he has looked pretty rock solid. 
Sanders has lots of…"
17 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
-First try MA asleep at marker.
- second try poor read by Doorey at centre left lumelume stranded. But Cini should have still stopped the try.
- ran straight through the middle from 10m out. Think it was Makatoa and Parker as the defenders."
18 minutes ago
Mick replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"I thought without  Crichton the dogs would struggle today but they haven't missed a beat - ciraldo has tapped into the dogs DNA, they gain confidence through their defence and hard work - when the controversy around training techniques was reported…"
18 minutes ago
Blue Eel replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
"We didnt deserve to win, the way we play but check this picture out. How do we compete when this is allowed to happen time and time again.

Hands on the player playing the ball
Marker not square or offside take your pick
Players in front of referee,…"
19 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Decent yardage to start the sets. Has not been given a chance in attack. They did score a try on his wing but it was hard to tell if he actually took the sharks player out or not."
20 minutes ago
BEM replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"A couple of years ago, myself and some others said the dogs would be a top 8 side and we would drop down the bottom.
Not one I wanted to be right about.
I bet Mahoney is loving playing in a team with a fast backline."
20 minutes ago
paul taylor replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"EA , 
How is moey alamaddine playing .  He has a bit of Kiraz in him .  Good kid all round . "
21 minutes ago
CarloEEL2 replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Ryles- complete clean out happening.
"Where is snake ??? I sent him a DM re sluggy 
he worries me these days "
22 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"We have Nava and De stradis on debut. Alamdine on his second game. Pryke, Brazel, aldertom, Lynn have barely played cup before "
27 minutes ago


Match review?

I didn't watch the game last night 1st time in 4 years I've not watched a game couldn't be bothered driving 90mins to watch it live and the kids wanted to watch a movie to be honest I didn't even think about watching the game.Scoreboard doesn't look…

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