Just thought i'd make a blog for our brother and moderator, HOE.

I havnt seen him around since he informed me that his young son is very unwell and in ICU, this is obviously very serious.

If you notice he isnt around he has much more pressing issues to deal with atm.

Hoe is a personal sort of guy and likes to keep things close to his chest, but after thinking hard about it i decided im going to let you guys know so we can show him, his family and son some love and support.

I can only imagine how helpless you feel as a parent in these situations, and the worry and uncertainty that Hoe and his wife are going through atm.

Hoe gives an incredible amount to this place, for free, he helps gives this place a real heart and soul.

He's always thoughtful, he listens and cares about the site and the people here, he never makes threats to get his point accross, he never takes sides and gives everybody a fair go, he also doesnt overmoderate things and he has a good grasp of personalities and relates to, and deals with people really well.

Most of all though, Hoe is just a great person, ive known him for a lot longer than his position here as mod and i can tell you, he is just a quality human being, a banger of a bloke who would go over and above for anybody.

This place owes HOE a lot and we are very lucky to have him.

Please send your love, prayers and thoughts through to Hoe and his family and son.

Please also show him the respect of not doing anything that will require moderation while he is gone, its time for some basic self moderation here for a while, lets not turn the place to shit while he's gone..

He doesnt need any silly 1ee drama to fill his inbox while his boy isnt well, and if he hasnt contacted you about something, theres obviously a valid reason.

If you log on in anger, to attack the opinion of somebody else about footy or the club, you are the problem, give it a rest for a while.

Hoe, sending all the power to your son, yourself and family mate, stay strong mate, your 1EE bros care about you greatly.




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  • Wow, this is terrible news, I hope his son recovers quickly.  Stay strong brother. 

  • Thanks Snake.Wonderful blog on a really great giving soul. 

  • Much love HOE, my thoughts and prayers are with you mate 

  • Hope it all works out, this site is better when HOE is around. Love and Prayers are with HOE and his family.

    • How scary for him and his wife , we are all sending good vibes your family's way ❤️❤️And I promise not to take my package to australia post just yet 

      Bless your little boy and keep him safe and strong ❤️

  • Terrible news. Hang in there HOE, and all the very best to your son. Thinking of you and your family. Don't hesitate to reach out to those you know you can count on if it's gets overwhelming. Shout out here or via PM if there's anything on your mind that you may need support with. We don't know each other, but that's irrelevant.

  • Lots of love to you and your son HOE  I'm not a religious person but I'll say a prayer just the same. 

    • Actually Sluggy is quiet spirtual Hoey and together we will make a strong prayer.

      Tell him his friends from 1EE are all in his corner and that Poppa will meet all the family in December when I am over there!

  • Our thoughts are with you HOE. Hopefully everything works out for the best for you and your family.

  • My thoughts are with you HOE. All the very best to you and your family mate.

This reply was deleted.

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