What the hell is wrong with this world and where has it gone wrong?
What the hell is happening to common sense and the will of the majority?
SJWs that’s What has happened.
Remember a few years back when gay marriage was passed as law in Australia and we had a slice of the population trying to reassure the no voters that the social changes would stop there - well guess what it hasn’t. Like the proverbial snow ball rolling down a mountain, what will stop this insanity.
Who in their right mind thinks that it’s a good idea to let transgender men play cricket against women?
Who in their right mind believes it’s fair for women that have devoted the majority of their lives, to carve out a career but now have to compete against men in a female sport?
I think that transgender people have the right to express themselves and be who they want to be but there needs to be some set boundaries particularly around sport. For one thing they tend to be far stronger and athletic than the female counterparts. It could also be considered danergous for women to play against grown men, regardless if they’ve had hormone therapy and genital reassignment or not. There should be some lines drawn in the sand or all helll could break loose, especially when it comes to money.
Whats stopping Roger Federer from claiming he now believes he considers himself a woman and decides to play in the women’s circuit until the age of 60, winning everything in his path. It’s not a joke........ it’s a possibility that one day a male could make this move to improve his chances of winning.
Its nuts bro, but dont worry, this is backfiring against the SJW feminist clowns.
Its proving a very good point.
I was angry with it too but then i started to see it fracturing feminist groups and opinions on the left so ive started to think its good if for nothing else to prove that men and women are very different.
The world has gone stark raving mad alright, where it ends I hate to think
Whats priceless is seeing the TERF feminists reaction to these guys, they hate them with a passion and believe no man can become a woman.
Im with the terfs here.
This really pisses me off. Why don’t females who have the surgery go and play with the men. They don’t because they know they won’t win even with hormones they are still strong their bone density is diffrent to a woman’s even after years of estrogen. Fkn sjws this world is becoming a joke.
The human race will in time become one gender with both male and female genitals in order for it to multiply. Male waxing and scaping is only the beginning.
I find it more outrageous they are planning same sex toilets and changerooms and telling people "If you don't like these changes because you don't feel safe, go find another sport" lol.
Same sex toilets.
It’s ludicrous. Last weekend I had a conversation ( well she had a heated debate , I had a conversation) with one of wifeys pals . She was harping on about climate change and I put my two bobs worth in , she kept saying “ but the scientists say “. So I saw my opportunity and asked her if scientists are able to be wrong and got the response I was after . “ not on your nelly , science is science and you can’t argue with the facts . So I then asked her then why do you insist the science is wrong that if you have male genes you’re literally a man no matter what you chop off and how much you believe you’re a woman ?
Then she ventured into some shit about how you’re defined by your gender which has some social aspect to the answer blah blah blah , end result was I was I was a whole bunch of names and needed to adapt .
In the end Franky boy , don’t be upset as we are going to have some great fun very soon . The victims and the “ minorities “ will be eating each other and it’ll be hilarious. It’s already started , the fembots are now confused as men in skirts are now allowed to use their toilets and showers , men will be winning their trophies , that Lurch looking Hannah fella is now killing them in hockey and winning everything after teaching them that men are better at being women in the AFL . It’s a a great thing to watch as they’re all being very supportive of “ Hannah “ on face value , but on the forums I troll you can feel the tension when my “ feminist man “ alter ego posts pics of him and saying how awesome and brave “ she “ is .
The days going to come unfortunately where a woman is assaulted by a trans man in their toilets or change rooms or some chick will end up in a wheelchair playing sport against some chick with a dick and then all hell will break loose . Women should have the right to not have to compete against someone built like Ian Roberts in a tu tu , but they only have themselves to blame really . None of them spoke up , in fact they all paraded around with “ Hannah “ for a cool Instagram pic , so now they’ve put themselves in the position whereas any dude who’s never going to succeed in his chosen sport and is slightly on the fence sexually will just whack on the skirt and make a career out of it .
Im enjoying it actually , people on the left who literally make up reasoning and terms to cover up their own contradictory views will eventually run into a dead end where they have to decide who’s victim card deserves their support the most .
If a hardcore feminist objects to a man taking a shower next to her because he calls himself a woman , who’s in the right ?
What about these “ equality “ champions calling for “ true equality “ when it comes to sports peoples wages . Try mentioning to them the possibility of pooling all the prize money together and having just one competition whereas the women simply compete against the men in true equality fashion . The reasonsig they can come up with as to why this isn’t what true equality looks like is astounding. It’s like bizzaro world that they even believe some of the shit they’re able to come up with .
Well thought out post Wiz and I agree.
Its just sickening though, everything from Globlal/Warming to PC is the property of the left. It’s not enough that they try to shove that down our throats, we also have to contend with them brain washing our kids. Then they are also playing the racist card at every turn and then sneaking in gay rights and minority group sensitivity laws to ice the cake.
Surely this crap needs to be called out brought to an end.
I’m all for treating people equally but not when it swings the other way....