The Parramatta Eels are delighted to announce that Steve Georgallis will be the Club's new NRLW Head Coach for the 2024 and 2025 seasons.

Steve has four decades of experience in rugby league both as a player and coach, including most recently spending the last three years with the North Queensland Cowboys as assistant coach.

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  • Can he coach NSW cup also?

  • Poor bastard. - damn he must be absolutely desperate for a coaching gig. 
    The Parramatta Eels women's team is far and away the worst team in the competition. Basically canon fodder for other teams. 
    In fact, they already have the worst win / loss ratio, the biggest defeat etc etc..
    It may actually be the worst team ever to play the game.
    In reality, the club should just hand back the licence and give it to another club that is fair dinkum about putting a decent team together. 

  • The board need to work on recruitment most importantly. While I don't think dean widders was a good coach, he had no support with recruitment. The gun players (Penitani, Broughton, Taufa) we let go of in the last 2 years is mind boggling 

    • I don't disagree that the womens team has been let down by the administration, who seemingly thought the womens game was a whimsical fad and nothing more. 

      Whilst we could all give up like young Hugo in his commentary, who is emerging as a truly great "fair wether" flyer, we should have a lot more to offer an getting an experienced senior coach who has been working at NRL with a top level team seems a good start!......

      We  all love Dean Widders and were initially excited for him but he had virtually no senior coaching experience, which at the time didn't seem that big a deal.....but when it came down to the "nitty gritty" he was not "hard enough" to fight for his players.......I assume that Mark O'Neill must have some responsibility here and I believe if he doesn't make himself accountable, then he should be nominating someone that is....... not good enough Mark!

    • Avon,  Yes it's all the clubs fault and they really let the players and fans down. The players absolutely did their best but a dearth of talent really put the team in a terrible position. 
      It was basically, let's cobble together some players and hope for the best whereas other clubs approached it with professionalism. 
      Every team that puts on our colours should be given the resources to achieve but at the moment the girls are on a hiding to nothing. 
      Dean Widders did his best but even Wayne Bennett or  Craig Bellamy would struggle to sort this mess out. 

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Coryn Hughes replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"I don't enjoy watching us either but I try my very best to walk away with something a little thing and see if they can repeat it weekly.
With this team right now I'd describe my expectations as being at the baby steps stage."
18 minutes ago
Coryn Hughes replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"Graham this is our problem though right Guymer MA and Talagi are among the best of our youngsters coming through we have not much behind them if we aren't resigning them what and who do we.
Its how we end up the depth we have short of raiding…"
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Graham polkinghorne replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"This is why we are in the mess with the roster now. Over paying players to keep them. It's time the Eels started to dictate contract negotiations."
35 minutes ago
HKF replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"No way we should pay talagi $500k. He is 2-3 years away from being worth that IF he continues to improve. If another club wants to pay him now then let them."
36 minutes ago