1. Blaize Talagi

2. Maika Sivo

3. Will Penisini

4. Sean Russell

5. Bailey Simmonson

6. Daejarn Asi

7. Dylan Brown (c)

8. Reagan Campbell-Gillard

9. Joey Lussick

10. Junior Paulo (c)

11. Shaun Lane

12. Ryan Matterson

13. J'maine Hopgood



14. Bryce Cartwright

15. Makahesi Makatoa

16. Joe Ofahengaue

17. Kelma Tuilagi



18. Brendan Hands

19. Morgan Harper

20. Ethan Sanders

21. Wiremu Grieg

22. Luca Moretti


INs: None

OUTs: None


Referee: Chris Butler

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  • Are you kidding me?

    Barrett needs to swing the axe. How can you put forward the same team (with the exception of Matterson) that got pumped by the Storm?

    None of this makes sense


  • Barrett obviously happy to accept mediocrity too. How can Sivo for starters even be in the squad after last week as a starting point? FFS

  • Lol, clown college stuff 

  • Maybe there's a clean slate / form judged from now thing going on ..but this is pretty deflating after the big news last night. 

    MANY Players over MANY weeks have shown that they are not up to a standard expected of NRL players, wether it be attitude, or ability , several players just flat out dont deserve to be there.

    BA finally faced the consequences of the teams poor form, but the players, the ones who have physically let the club and fans down with dog shit performances..free pass. 

  • He probably couldn't make any changes due to having 1 day only , but before they cull the squad in 2 days time I'd move these 4 from the extended bench in and drop Lane, Ofa, Asi and Makatoa:


    18. Brendan Hands

    20. Ethan Sanders

    21. Wiremu Grieg

    22. Luca Moretti


  • this is a joke right?

  • The more things change the more they stay the same

  • No No No No No. Can I shout it out any F%6&8&6 louder 
    Bloody Numnuts, BA just got sacked you idiot for this exact team. How stupid do you have to be to then go with that same lineup. Dumb and Dumberer.

    I'll give you a hint Mr Barrett, try considering dropping Lane, Sivo and Lussick. Moving Brown to 5/8 making Hopgood captain and bringing in Sanders at halfback.

    Put Penisni on notice, Start Junior in the run on side.

    • It's actually a smart move, give the players the opportunity to prove they aren't the problem,  there is no excuses now it's all on them. Barrett will get a good look at who is worth persisting with and who needs to be dropped.  He has the rest of the season to give others a go. This will flush out the deadwood. 

      If things stay the same and Barrett doesn't make changes next week then will be the time to carry on.

      • I hope your right HKF, but  for Trent this is his oppurtunity to put his name forward for a first grade coaching gig. The players have been deadset lazy when fatigue sets in, if they wouldnt do it for BA and Barrett before, i dont really know why the players would do it just for Barrett now.

        Perhaps its a case of the players must now stand up and show there worth to the future coach. But the way they have been playing they deserve a rocket just as much as the sacking of BA.

This reply was deleted.

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HKF replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
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How about Ryles put his time into talking to players who want to be in the blue and gold."
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