
  • The Tigers are now chasing  Michael Cheika for the role.

    Looks like we will be stuck with O'Neil after all 😪


    • What' a relief Bem , the club can now continue being held to ransom by players and get pay overs . 

      • Yep.

        I'm sure some around here are happy with that news though as they prefer mediocrety rather than rock the boat and try something new.

      • That's been going on a lot longer than O'Neill's tenure here.

  • Just saying half round here would fire someone just because,nevermind having a plan or a candidate going foward just blow it up and pray the next guy can pickup the pieces.

    Rinse Wash Repeat.

    • Ten years of poor defence, terrible use of the bench and no premiership with a squad capable of winning a couple.

      Rinse Wash Repeat. 

  • See ya dopey.  Take your sex fingers back to Tigertown where they were before they decided you wernt up to their standards and you came groveling over here for a meal ticket. 

    • Pot and Kettle Wiz?.....but he was a highly paid Executive at Woolworths.....with a Bachelor of Business.....nothing compared to your soft drink sales diploma Wiz?......on the grapevine he can fix a boat radio and landscape a pool, but shit anyone can do that!

      • He was punted from Woolies and was only in charge of the deli Dept.  Not exactly a highly paid exec role, a decent role nonetheless , but far from the big wig role you make out he had.  But talk it up.  His job was literally the head deli guy.  And lasted fuck all as Woolies demand accountability or you're out on your arse.  

  • Mark O'Neill holds the record for the most first grade games played before making a finals appearance (218 games).

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