
  • So narrows it down that only one hooker for Round 1; more likely bench being Tuilagi, Matterson, Greig and Ofahengaue.

    Also, big headline that Gutho will move to Centres. It was not that really at all, BA admitted it has to take us getting a better Fullback, where there are not many, then move him to Centre. Gutho will move there to prolong his career eventually but 2024 & 2025 at least he will be Fullback.

    I like the comment about Matt, do not hide them let them swim. If they are good enough then the doubters will shut up. I stand by that JA is an OK NRL player but was never the future, nor do i see his future being an NRL Halfback more so a back-rower. But Matt on the other hand i can see him being our future Hooker.

    Morgan Harper could be in for a special year as BA did chase him, was not like a "He will do" signing, BA wanted him early 2023. Talagi is on his tail and has to compete with Simonsson but Harper could do a role for us very nicely.

    Love the observation on Hopgood, how concentration is his key area of focus on improving. Started well in 2023 then the pressure of 80mins week in week out wore him out and got better as he went. After another full pre-season going from 9 NRL games to 33 NRL games he will obviously be a lot better.

  • Cheers bazza. 

  • Well at the very minimum he should be pushing for the top 4 not just making the 8.  Finishing 6th to 8th makes it nearly impossible to win a comp, but I suppose just making the 8 will keep his fan supporters on here happy and the board may give him an extension as the way things are going,  it's seems people are happy with being mid table mediocre 

    • There you go Chief your dead right here the top 4 at minimum should be the aim finishing where you mention does make it tough as you say.

      Make no qualms here the closer nature of the comp is going to make BA and the teams job even tougher.

      • Really?

        Just make the farking finals...

        • Yep really Grunts.

          As the great FONG would say, 'these guys have the standards of a homeless bum'.

        • No team has won a comp in this format outside the top 4.

          If you want to win the comp you basically have to finish inside the mentioned or your chances drop considerably.

    • I'd go as far to say top 2 is the minimum requirement to win a GF. The path to the GF has to be 3 weeks not 4. The team needs to go into that 1st final knowing they've been the best team all year, I don't think many teams can flick a switch and beat the minor premiers week 1

  • Wish they asked about how he plans to use the forward pack rotation. Whether he likes Paulo on the bench now and Grieg starting like they did against panthers. But that will be answered round 1 I guess.  Looks like the team is pretty much locked in with a battle for the centre (Simmo/Harper) and hooker spot (Hands/Lussick). 

    • Think you are right EA, Simonsson v Harper

      Lussick v Hands


      Thats it rest is done.

      1. Gutherson 

      2. Sivo

      3. Penisini

      4. Simonsson/Harper

      5. Russell

      6. Brown

      7. Moses

      8. RCG

      9. Lussick/Hands

      10. Paulo

      11. Lane

      12. Cartwright

      13. Hopgood

      14. Tuilagi

      15. Ofahengaue

      16. Greig

      17. Matterson

This reply was deleted.

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