Game Day Blog - Sea Eagles vs Eels

Tonight we see the battle of Brooky with the Eels again up against Manly, but this time on their turf and with a no doubt strong sense of redemption after a controversial win for the Eels a few weeks ago. Sanders makes his debut in a massive game, particularly for our boys. I have a feeling that we are going to get our arses handed to us tonight and face another week of media scrutiny and talk about BA in general.

So, who wins and by what margin?


Go you Eels!!!

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  • Can't win with defence like that. Like the kid but three tries where Sanders defence wasn't up to scratch. Wasn't alone in being average on the D  

    • I wouldnt blame him, it was his first game and he was at least trying. More than can be said for half of them on the field

  • I honestly thought the side played reasonably well tonight but got done by some dumb errors and penalties.

    I also think that Darwin has a bit to do with that second half - if the club isn't looking at scrapping that useless contract in Darwin then the board should all be walked 

    • Definitely Frank have to ditch it can imagine how last weeks game affected us on the back end of this with 12 men x2 

      Wonder how many kilos fluid they lost in that sauna

      Shame not a bye week for us

      we were dudded by nonads in the first half too. A qualified ref woulda pulled them for holding us down numerous times

    • Agree Frank. They don't only go thereto play but also has some extra-curricular activities to promote the game, meeting fans, etc. All because of the $1M fee the the NT Government is paying the club. I had said before, the board is only more about the financials and not about winning the Premiership. Hopefully, fans will stop buying merchandise,not renew their membership (did not renew mine) and stop going to CommBank.

  • This fuckwit James Graham has no idea what he's even saying about RCG . His mouths moving and he has no control of what's coming out . He started and then you could see his brain going " wher am I going with this " 

    • Parker is just as bad. I've just turned it off

  • The morons on Fox are going on as if we didn't have 2 players sent off in the 2nd half. Here comes the media pile on.

    • Yep that's what I just said - hello we played with 12 for half of the second half FFS

      • Turbo was offside on the kick Penisini got binned on. Ordinary officiating but the rot started when Saab 20 metres out from his own line strode through with Hands watching him blow past .

        We blew the game in that 15 minute period.

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