Game Day Blog - Sea Eagles vs Eels

Tonight we see the battle of Brooky with the Eels again up against Manly, but this time on their turf and with a no doubt strong sense of redemption after a controversial win for the Eels a few weeks ago. Sanders makes his debut in a massive game, particularly for our boys. I have a feeling that we are going to get our arses handed to us tonight and face another week of media scrutiny and talk about BA in general.

So, who wins and by what margin?


Go you Eels!!!

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        • Hahahhaha

      • What I'm saying is it won't be effort but a lack of talent. Manly have so much speed out wide compared to the Eels. Not to mention Olakau'atu will use Sanders as a speed bump. Eels might score 2-3 tries but won't be able to contain Manly out wide. 

        • How slow have the recruitment team in realising how the game has changed, not enough effort in signing backline players, certainly no effort to sign any with speed.

          Serioutly they are inept, now they have got another player who is unhappy at his current club ( RGC! Matto, Moses] , but how about finding decent players other than those that are obvious. A life member and captain of the Tigers GF side just doesn't seem the right fit for the Eels.His chief scout is also a not so well credentialed ex Tiger.

          • and as predicted south's about to make a move no doubt 12436072279?profile=RESIZE_930x

            • Well don't expect our club to...

              Theyll wait until BA is into his 16th year and then decide maybe he's had long enough now to deliver something.

              The board is paralyzed by indecision and protecting their own jobs.

    • Yup. Oppositions seem to accept the Eels will be camped on their line for the first 15 minutes. They hold us out. Close at half time, then go wide early the second half and blow us away. 

      if we can jag a few early tries we are in for a shot.... 

  • I honestly can't tip the Eels today. It will be closer than most think though.

    Manly by 14.

    MOM DCE.

    Knowing my luck Parra will win it in a close one and BA gets extended.

  • We will have a dig early but will play without any real belief, the errors will mount and become diabolical to the extent our defence will turn into an individual rabble and leak try after try just like last week. 

    Manly 52 eels 14

    Yet the administration still won't call Bennett,  they will sit back and wait until he is no longer available so they can say there is no one better to replace BA with. 

    Sack the board.

    • Yep sack the board indeed....

  • Last week was the exact kind of game parra would lose. Tonite is the exact kind of game parra prob wins

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