I see a lot of sillyness online, implying that everybody vaxxinated is an idiot or sheep, a stooge for the govt.

I'd just like to leave a few basic facts here for the anti vaxers.






You anti vaxers do realise that without vaccines, humanity would be fecked? dont you?

When a lot of the above vaccines came out, people doubted them too, claimed govt conspiricies etc.

Weve come a long way with vaccines and understand a lot more now than 70 years ago.

Vaccines have been overwhelmingly good for humanity, with a few fails along the way, but overwhelmingly great for humanity.

Do you agree with that statement?

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  • Anyone with a scintilla of common sense would agree with your statement. 
    Vaccines have been wonderful for humanity. 

    Soon we will see " replies are closed for this discussion"

    • My Bob 

      It's come close. A couple of posts have tempted me. If we get Dr. Carrie Madej's QAnoner "vaxx detox" therapy to undo the vaxx (using baking soda and coupling therapy), that might be stumps.

       Snake's handled it all well too.


      • Its ok to post pro vax quotes but not vice versa.

        Are some getting a little upset with this debate?

        • Torps , as long as you show posters who differ from your perspective some respect (language is part of that), we're not going to have any real problems.

          Just remember you haven't been posting on here for long.

          If you were to continue to consistently call them brain-dead sheep and so-on and ramp it up, we're probably going to end up having some problems to sort out.

      • Love that gif. I have used that Maxwell Smart line a few times 

  • But hey, tin foil hat wearers like Parrakeet and Frank will keep preaching their anti vax and conspriacy rubbish.  FARK OFF!

    • Please don't label me a tin hat or a white hat EE I swear I don't really know what they stand for.  I'm a free thinking seeker of truth and can make my own mind up.  For example I became a strict vegetarian when I was seven years old to meat eating parents.  Doctors told me I would die through lack of protein all my young life. I didn't  believe them and am pain and drug free and healthier than most. I have never been a follower and make up my own opinion to this day. What I can say 40% of USA agree with what I believe when it comes to vaccines and pharmaceutical  companies.  I'm certainly not alone I would say about 20% of Aussies are unvaxxed.  I meet plenty everyday who regret having the jabs and heaps who will have no more who have had blood clots and strokes.  No need to abuse me don't be afraid of the truth. I have addressed you respectfully. Best wishes.

      • 40%.....wow thats unlike you to quote numbers without any documentary or evidentiary support,.

        • DA Rock I pulled these figures earlier today from World Data Base on vaccines. Updated daily this reads 25/7.  Fully vaccinated in Australia I don't know if that means two or  booster is 21,719,304. That's exactly 84.6% official figures. That won't go higher people are awake.

    • Ee that's going to far there. Vaccination is the individuals choice. Don't like putting labels on persons. I would never treat anyone differently all views must be respected. 

This reply was deleted.

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