Off-season - Covid & Vaccination Discussion

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

With it being a significant part of current affairs, if there is a need to discuss Covid during in the off-season, it can be done here. Hence, there is no need for another Covid blog, unless it is related to the NRL or other current affairs issues.

Super wants to allow for some freedom of speech and sharing of ideas, not muting adult discussions - especially as it's the off-season. As long as it doesn't go too far and any sparring doesn't get below the belt.

For more info, please refer to the COC

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  • The so called experts over reacted , prove me wrong. 

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Brissy stay away, just sit back and enjoy what Daz did to the  "jerk circle" I have never seen discussion's on here so methodically taken apart and to quote Daz, saying he see's it like "blood sport" was an understatement.

        It was like watching a professional in the ring taking on the "yocal" amateurs!

        • Poppa if you blow Daz any harder on a daily basis, your lips will fall off.

          • Gee! that might make me a "poofter" or is it "poof" can't remember!

          • Poppa , you do realise when Frank The Tank called Daz a poof he wasn't talking literally . 

            • Of course Wiz, doesn't look like Snake saw it that way but LOL

        • You mean he was dissected by Wiz 

          6/0, 6/0, 6/1 in an awesome display of tennis with sublime ground strokes and serving.

    • What’s the point in educating our people when those that remain uneducated become suspicious when the educated surpass their level of ability to understand.

  • MonsieurEel here is a copy of your post asking for Prof. Daz's opinion:


    "I added the WHO link to the conversation within the context of my previous post (in which I commented on the Dr Z video above).

    WHO is questioning the appropriateness of using the original vaccine composition (which was appropriate for the previous variant) as a booster to battle the latest variant.

    Equality and distribution aside, do you believe that they are questioning the effectiveness of the existing vaccines as a booster against Omicron?

    You would probably recall our previous discussions during the Delta outbreak and that I am generally pro-vaccine, to avoid severe disease and hospitilisation.

    However, at present, is there any significant benefit for vaccinated low-risk individuals in receiving a booster (obviously only currently available non-Omicron tailored vaccines, i.e. "the original vaccine composition"), given that:

    • They are already as protected against severe disease/hospitilisation as they are likely to be at present;
    • Omicron doesn't really give a shit about your temporary immunity boost;
    • The Omicron horse has already bolted (e.g. WHO estimates that 50% of Europe will soon be infected);
    • An Omicron-specific vaccine/booster is just around the corner (Pfizer estimates March 2022, and even they concede it may be DOA)."

    Source: WHO and Aljazeera

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BEM replied to LB's discussion Eels and Broncos proposed trade
"I'd take combo in a heartbeat. 
I hear he can play a couple of positions 😆"
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EelsAgeMe replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
"Dumb crack"
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I know what you meant though."
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"I think they want to get rid of combo. Attitude problem"
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Parra_Greg replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Gutherson's post gane presser message
"Kiss my ass perhaps?"
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"Shame Parra doesn't have anyone capable of doing this competently "
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"Where were those business people for the last 10 years??"
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Michael W. replied to paul taylor's discussion Dogs are the real deal this year.
"We should be doing what they are doing, buy a comp, fuck the juniors."
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