T'was the day before Christmas and all through site not a creature was stiring, the traffic was light.
Merry Christmas to all the legends on 1EE - may the Eels bring you all great times and magnificent memories in 2019 !
Col,Supe,Khags,Vince,Chiefy,Mick,Snake,Fongy,AdsMcGrath,Bretto,MeelK,BigAlHunt,AAE,Turps,Tank,Horo,Mack,SharkiesBoomboomboom,fakemidget,Tintim,Mitchy,Grunts,Carlo,Phil,Gem,Mace,Parakeet,Rowdy,sixties,mattas,darkz,supe,EE,Pats,PT,Bazza,17.78cm,longfin,Ape,Rosemount,Tad,ChockieFrog,Offside,Paul(bigarnie),Monts,Optimisticeel,Jpav,will5150,iknow,legend,kimmo,WWASST2019,beanieheel,PFOTH,rEELdEEL,Wile,Rabz . . . . . . . . and everyone else on this great site.
I could quote the great Rodney King and say "can we all just get along" but that's just rubbish. It's the varied, varied tapestry of different views and personalities that make this great site what it is, so here's cheers to all of you - have a great holiday season and may you all have a fantastic 2019 :)
Wasn't intentional Poppa, I forgot Outrunna and Sluggo as well - Merry Christmas to you, your family and loved ones. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas/New year and a successful and healthy 2019 :)
Cheers Wongy - all the very best to you and your's mate :)
Never Marky - Merry christmas mate - keep the smut coming :)))
and nudger.lol merry xmas cosmo
Merry Xmas Kramerica and safe travels if indeed you are travelling.
Hope you have a great and prosperous new year and the eels delight us all with their performance.
BTW southern comfort is for poor, 17 year old girls ;)
LOL - Merry Xmas mate - I'm sure you'll be up to no good as usual - make sure you at least try and behave - cheers mate :)
merry xmas to you Kram and to everbody else the same and please stay safe
Good on ya Tomy - keep the faith champion :)
How did the airing of grievances go Cosmo ?
LOL - ask Pops :)