Anyone got a SMSF?

I'm looking at purchasing a property to run my business out of, and I'm wondering if it might make sense to purchase it via a self-managed super fund?

Does anyone have any experience with a SMSF? I have a couple of friends that pretty much got duped into SMSF scams, but for what I'm looking at, and with my limited knowledge this would seem to make sense, especially is Shorts goes ahead with slamming down on negative gearing once he gets in.

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  • SMSF's are fine, it's what you invest in that will determine whether it's a good idea or not.

    I personally reckon ALL property (residential and commercial) in Sydney is still very overpriced and still has quite a way to fall. The banks have been encouraged by the RBA to loosen their credit criteria which is a certain indicator that they are very nervous about what may be looming - they're literally telling the big 4 banks to ignore what is coming out of the banking royal commission.

    I would sit tight for 12 months and see what eventuates. Commercial rentals are currently low compared to purchase costs  - I'd personally do a 12 month lease and take it from there. I reckon the cost of your rent would be ALOT LESS than the depreciation a property you buy today will suffer over the next 12 months - and beyond.

    • Yeh, I don't disagree with anything you've said but my decision to buy isn't purely a financial one. TBH, I'm just keen to settle down into a space. I've moved  the office three times now in three years now and I just want a space that I can make our own, without literally dumping cash into a fit-out that I'll have to rip out when we leave. It's actually a home that's just off the main drag, that is an area that will get rezoned at some point in the next decade, so I'm looking at it, as a short-term nice-place-to-work + long-term investment thing which is why I'm thinking it suits to do via a SMSF

      • Yeah, you can't always put a price on having your own place - residential or business. It's only money anyway mate :)

        I'm assuming it's around Rivo somewhere - on the fringe - so maybe it's a good medium/long term investment anyway. Rivo as we know it will be a distant memory in not too long - the urban sprawl has arrived!

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  • I work in this area and discuss with people the pros and cons. There has to be a valid reason why you would want to do it and there are many rules and obligations that have to be fulfilled. Quite often a Bare Trust has to be set up for the funding side of things. Ive seen a lot of people get spruiked into doing it and then when the ATO comes knocking they are left holding their short and curlys wondering why they did it in the first place. Its not something you do lightly and you will need advice. Speak to a SMSF accredited planner (not all planners are accredited to provide SMSF advice).

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      • Pretty poor attempt at a dig at me Poppa - as usual..

        My comment was not "amateur investment advice" and is hardly in anyway missleading or dangerous - it's a comment on a blog started by Phil for the purpose of discussion. Everything you have written here is simply worded-up rubbish probably directly from a pamphlet in a petty attempt to make yourself sound like the big man in town. Lame as.

        How about "make sure you get good professional advice and remember, you're pretty young so look at the long term, there's plenty of time for a few mistakes"

        No, as usual you have to carry on like a wrinkly old f-wit trying in vain to puff his chest and have constant jibes at people for no reason. How many times have I responded or referred to any of your posts in the last sevweral weeks - that would be zero.

        Grow up a bit and stop acting like a fool. Your're embarrassing yourself.

        My view of the "maket place"  is fine by the way. I certainly wouldn't be taking advice from a nobody living in Brisbane. Do I have a bigger bank account than you? Bigger investment portfolio? Better Education? Higer standing in my field of profession? Better Business? Bigger income? Better cars? House? . . . . how about a newer Cirrus?

        I'd bet my life the answer to the lot is yes.

        So f*ck off with your silly attempts at condescending jibes little man. The adults are growing tired of you.

        • This reply was deleted.
          • This reply was deleted.
            • Ok kiddies, settle down. I've got a bigger website than both of you so I win.

              • Seriously Phil, why do I and everyone else have to put up with this fool?

                I post a comment and, as usual, Poppa has to post a condescending reply which is no more than a thinly veiled put down. Why can't he just post a reply like anyone else would? This is a constant with this imbecile - he is practically incapable of posting without bringing the whole site down, it's always a crack at the many users he has a problem with. He got interpersonal bans placed against the likes of Snake and Fong yet he indirectly refers to them multiple times on a daily basis, and it's always a put down. He blew up Al Hunts blog not long ago resulting in people getting banned and missing out for days.

                It's tiring beyond belief and is a cancer on the site. Do we all have to be constantly offended by this imbecile and constantly turn the other cheek. He's like a yappy dog that gets louder and louder unless it's getting all the attention.

                I don't send messages behind people's backs like this gutless little twerp so I'm respectfully and publicly requesting this Phil;

                Could you please confirm an intersersonal ban between myself and Poppa. I have zero respect for this individual and am sick to the teeth of his constant rubbish. Should you see fit to approve my ban request I would also respectfully request that you remove this person permanently should he be unwilling or incapable to respect the ban (as he has been with others).



                • This reply was deleted.
                  • "I refuse the interpersonnell ban"


                    Phil/mods - I present to you Exhibit One.

                    This deluded cork soaker thinks he has the ability to refuse requests made by members of the site on behalf of site administrators. Please disregard the rest of his waffle - it's rubbish.

                    Now, how about that inter ban? Please? I'd be eternally greatful :) 

                    • "harden up" "stay away from me" That's pretty tough talk from you there little man. What a hard arse - I'm sure you'd give me a thrashing if we were standing face to face tough guy.

                      Obviously my request to Phil was based on the fact that you are an annoyance and easily the most objectionable and uncharasmatic plonker on this site - possibly in the country. Obviously Phil hasn't read my comment.

                      If he declines my request all good though - it's not like you're not an easy target. Making nimrods like you look pathetic and insignificant is like shooting fish in a barrell.

                      I think you need to come to the realisation that you are infact the site joke.. I'm prepared to bet a significant amount of money that you were the last person chosen when teams were being picked - every single time.

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