Here is the question...... Do you believe spending $1,200,000 per season for Moses will increase the chances of the Eels winning a premiership, or, do you think if the Eels signed a proven premiership-winning coach with $1,200,000 plus available to him for signing a star or several players would be a better option?


 In my opinion, paying the best part of $3,000,000 per season for Gutho, Brown, and Moses is way too much. 

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  • Moses will not guide the eels to a premiership. Simple as that. Would love to have a new coach to freshen up things at the club. It's same old same old year on and year out with BA at the helm.

  • It's a moot question, we have an R&R committee to ensure a coach can't go rogue and screw up our salary cap. 

    And any decent coach would want to keep our spine together. 

    So no. 

    Every club spends that much on their spine. It's non negotiable. 

    • But they don't spend that much money on a spine that fails time after  time  under pressure and in big games .

      • This reply was deleted.
        • Brilliant Wongey !!!! 

      • Yep, failed all their way to a GF, I'll take my chances with them 

    • Well BA ( with respect Brett Allen - I am sure you are not related to coach BA ha ) , yes it is a always negotiable , however that does not answer the question of whether or not we are overpaying Moses & others as named . I think pay Moses's requested yearly fee of $1m plus but only for 2 years not 4 or 5 as other half backs might become available for similar money next year. 

      We could increase yearly fee to match Tigers offer but only for 2 years .

      • If you're only going to offer him 2 years then you might as well not offer any deal for him. Mitch Moses is the halfback we have chosen to hitch our wagon to. $1.2m for 4-5 years is the going rate for a top 3 halfback, and make no mistake that is what he is. You won't replace MM with a player of similar quality for significantly less money, especially if we have to recruit him. To think otherwise is just wishful thinking. And even if you're successful you've then got to integrate said player into your system, something that takes time as we are finding with Josh Hodgson. 
        We are all in on Mitch, Dylan & Gutho and that's how it must stay. 

        • It does appear anyway Brett that a deal has been struck sometime ago  . However as you have stated earlier every contract is negotiable. Sit down again at the table boys please .

  • He's worth $800 000, any more I'd rather someone else. Trindal is better atm, what would he be on?

    • Trindall ? His cost ? Based on his previous years form  playing the odd NRL game ( when playing with feeder club Newtown in the NSW cup ) he is worth a meat pie , sausage Sanger , plus a bonus can of coke if his team wins . 

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