
    • That was good to hear although that's irrelevant if they have player options

  • Pair of absolute muppets.

  • 1st time I hear Sean McElduff speak and I'm not impressed. Can't string a coherent sentence together.  

    • You did well to hear his soft little voice at all. Must be still waiting for his balls to drop!

  • how embarrassing ...'we wanted Bennett it's as simple as that'. Why mention it if they didn't have him locked up. Like turning up to an orgy without a boner.... walked out of there with limp d$cks in their hands....

  • I still can't get past them announcing who they wanted when failing miserably.

    I mean you judged the last coach on success and failure yet what have you guys just done there failed miserably at the most important spot in the club and are worried about perceived optics of saying so.

    No pressure then as the future of the club depends on it.

    Meanwhile Mark O'Neill you mouse where are you hiding in the corner.

    • I cringed at some of the things they said. It came across as very unprofessional and naive. I know they were trying to be open but it didn't present the club as an organisation that knows what it's doing. I think that will scare off the best of the available coaches. I really can't see the club landing a better coach than BA, and that's not a very good position to be in.

  • Bragging about how you went sneaking around behind the current coaches back and missed out on the coach you wanted. What a pair of dopes.

  • Ray Hadley said the next move should be the chaiman and ceo and board to go.He said they are bunch of bankers who have no clue about football and sarantinos is a former dope who only job was chasing debts for ferrrer and hodgson.I can't see any decent coach wanting to come especially when they know the chaiman and ceo went behind the coaches back to get another coach whilst telling ba they had his back.

    Until these dopes go this club will never win another premiership.Its going to be 2011-13 all over again

This reply was deleted.

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