
  • They do get some good calls but Storm defensively don't look up to it at all. Very soft tries 

  • Get use to it.

    They will go 3 in a row.

  • Yep every point they have was off the back of a penalty.

    Talk about piggy backs.

    • It appeared that way. 

  • Been happening for years. They have a different set of rules than the other teams.

    Look at how cleary is allowed to have blockers when he kicks.

    Or how Penrith bring inside the 10= "good line speed"

    I could go on all night

    • Another thing I noticed was how Penrith players purposely block the opposition players from making tackles by purposefully getting in their way. It happened a lot against the Storm and right in front of the referee but nothing was done about it

  • The 1st penalty of the game when Melbourne had the ascendancy says it all

  • I don't know if they have any more than other teams, does anyone know the actual stats on penalties per team. 
    I just acknowledge that they are the best club side since the 80's Eels. So the best club team In basically 40 years. 
    Like them or loathe them, just acknowledge how great they are.  

    • They are not as good as the Broncos or Canberra teams?

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More stuff to read

Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Nanva is all effort. That kick chase followed by a try saver. He has really surprised me."
2 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Yep he does not offer much in attack like Martin. However in defence they lead the line speed and so aggresive. Does the 1%rs too. I am with you. I didn't rate him much last year or start of this year. But ever since he got promoted back to cup this…"
7 minutes ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Nava with great work. Winger jammed in but he avoid him and than draws in two more defenders and flicks it out the back the Alamadine who walks in untouched "
8 minutes ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Wow what a try assist from Nanva. He has really impressed me.
That was slick from Lynn to Sanders. "
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