Our New Middle Forwards ?

In light of the James Fisher Harris move to the Warriors where he can be another Daddy..lol    it got me thinking about our Prop plans moving forward.

How long does Jr Paulo (31) and RCG (31) have left as starting props in a parramatta team that only plays the power game with a high energy/chase the collison mentality .   Do we have a plan B as they age.  Granted, Jr is now moving to a Bench role in the rotation and it has been working OK.   

What are the long term strategies.    In all Liklihood now Penrith will lock up the hottest young talent on the market in Utoikamanu and with Addin Fannua Blake already locked up by the sharkies, where does that leave us.    Wiremu Greig played well in a few games last year but was poor in his one game back.     Our NSW cup team are last and I cant see any enforcers or big young talent with big motors and skill coming through 

It doesnt matter what ferraris you may have in your back line or what future immortals inyour spine ..................Quality Middle Forwards win games along with a robust defence.

Any views comments ??


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  • Leg speed if there adding and are looking at fowards they need to be looking for more athletes that have agility.The days of Paulo though he has a point of difference and RCG types especially are coming to an end.

    The rule makers and V'Landys especially is turning the game into a track meet.So your talent and roster building has to adapt accordingly or you'll get left behind.Your looking at backrower centre body types in your foward packs who have that agility and speed.

    Urgent athletes if you aren't it goodbye the day of the one up hit up plodder Aidan Tolman type are gone.

    • The one up plodder Aidan Tolman had a day? 

  • Weirmu greg is not the future.  He won't be a regular starter. 


    • I actually agree with that. Just look how BA is now treating him considering the year he had in 2023. Makatoa is no.19 against Dolphins and Greig misses out, so if a forward went down he would trust Makatoa more than Greig. 

      Greig has been back long enough now where stamina should not be an issue. Something has happened where BA is just off him as a player. He could be an option for Lomax but it is concerning at the moment. The Canberra game he got his opportunity and did nothing as well.

      I could see Parra getting one more middle mid year.

  • This is one of my biggest concerns going forward. We don't seem to have anyone really coming through. Greig is a back end of season player, hits his form and fitness late in the season. 

    This would be either Paulo's last or second last big minute season. I'm going to keep riding him because since than he started playing footy. 

    • We do have Sam Tuivaiti who is a good kid. Only thing is he is stuck in Flegg still and not sure why he has not been put in NSW cup now. He is on a top 30 deal for 2025, so why not let him develop in Cup? I understand they may want Flegg to do alright too but FG is the end goal, we have players like Reece Alderton who is mainly a Ron Massey player filling in on the bench, Tuivaiti surely can take that spot on the bench.

      • I think tuivita could easily make the jump to nsw cup already. He is only turning 19 this year. I think the club are playing him in Flegg solely because of his age. We have other forwards who need game time but are not eligible for Flegg and below.  

  • Do we overrate our middles?

    Spud Carroll just picked his nsw forwards and cant find room for either RCG or Paulo. I note he has no Jake Turbo (who always performs for NSW and is a great prop to pair with Hass) and he picked Nathan Brown on his bench. So not sure...

    • That's why they are mentioning a guy like Mitch Barnett because of his workrate this is the body type the game is moving too in the middle.I suspect it's why Moretti is preferred over Grieg as a bench middle.

      Look at Jason Taumololo the guy was a beast 3 years ago and now plays 20-30 minutes a game.The middle is just to quick now.When fatigue gets put into it and little guys are coming at you the big man's screwed.

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