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          • Haha

            1.5M that's a lot of balloons ...reckon that 1.5 is true?

            • not if the contract ended in 25

            • Closer to 700. They mentioned it on 360 last night 

              • It (1.5M)did seem too much thanks

          • Who wouldn't take 1.5mill and 6 months off if you had the chance?

            I mean if he backs himself to get another gig quickly, the upfront 1.5mil would be like winning the lottery...

        • At this time a simple ' thanks to BnG fans who've supported me  over the years'  is pretty easy to say.

          the fact that's it printed this way shows him up 

  • "we want someone who has been involved with a winning program and been around a high performance culture".

    Sounds very 'Storm' like. Is he giving it away that the primary target is Jason Ryles? 

    • I reckon he's the front runner for sure. Hannay would be my other bet. Apparently plays a big role in QLD Origin

    • Kearney & Arthur were both "involved with a winning program and been around a high performance culture". Not sold on Ryles. Why is he so highly rated by many pundits? Just curious. Always ready to be wrong.


      • I agree.

        Ryles and Hannay are not what we need.

        We just had 10 years of that kind of coach. 

        We need a seasoned coach who is a proven winner.

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Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Nanva is all effort. That kick chase followed by a try saver. He has really surprised me."
1 minute ago
EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Yep he does not offer much in attack like Martin. However in defence they lead the line speed and so aggresive. Does the 1%rs too. I am with you. I didn't rate him much last year or start of this year. But ever since he got promoted back to cup this…"
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EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Nava with great work. Winger jammed in but he avoid him and than draws in two more defenders and flicks it out the back the Alamadine who walks in untouched "
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Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Wow what a try assist from Nanva. He has really impressed me.
That was slick from Lynn to Sanders. "
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