JAC still on our radar

JAC is still on EELS radar i hear. We met with his management last week again. Gus needs to approve

Dont be surprised he is an eel 2024

stuff goin on in the background

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    • Plus Scott by seasons end 

      • A back 4 of Gutho, Sivo, Penisini, Scott and Addo-Carr is phenomenal.

        • Don't rate Sivo or Scott. Penisini has his defensive shortfalls. We are not that great in outside backs and desperate for JAC. We are lucky our halves in the best 3 in comp

          • Sivo can still score 20 or so tries a year. You think that is only due to Moses and Brown, well Dunster has score 3 tries in 19 games. Simonsson only 3 tries in around 22 games as a Winger for us. Yeah his running has faultered from his rookie year but scoring that many tries has to go on the player too.

            Scott is still young and can develop under BA. He had some injury issues but his defence was incredible for Melbourne. He was considered a bolter for Origin around 2018-2019. If Scott doesn't work out, Simonsson has proven he is good at Centre.

            • Sivos going to surprise a few this year from what I saw at the pacific cup he looks a bit quicker than I've seen.

              You throw JAC on the other wing all of a sudden do we need this strike centre 😂 that was popular last week.

              • Just need a Centre to prove the can tackle.

  • The other factor in all this, dogs are still goin for Luai, so they need cap space to secure him. see how it pans out

  • I'd take him , but he's a goose . Can't see it happening but iid tip my hat to the R&R knobs if they could prove me wrong.  He's 1000% on the outer at Canterbury . They want him gone yesterday .  

    Unfortunatly my guess would be it'll be a massively back ended deal and more then he's worth .  But we need some strike so it is what it is . 

    • Yep, we wanted X-Factor and JAC is it. Our backs are in desperate need of speed. 


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