First trial; Who are we excited to watch?

Our 2023 campaign starts somewhat on Saturday with a trial against Penrith. Considering this is the first trial it is believed majority of the team will be reserve graders bar some. I think players that will play round 1 or have a chance that will play Saturday are; Russell, Dunster, Ogden, Makatoa and JA. Matterson i think could get a game aswell to get some match preparation for round 4.

I am excited to see Russell as i believe he will play Centre on Saturday to prepare for Round 1. Dunster also to see how he has recovered from his ACL, PCL and MCL tears.


I think this will be the team as follows

1. Rankin

2. Dunster

3. Cini

4. Russell

5. Loizou

6. Asi (if injured perhap Jack A Williams)

7. Arthur

8. Ogden

9. Rein

10. Makatoa

11. Momoisea

12. Mataele

13. Rodwell

Bench just randomly

Greig, Matterson, Brown, Lumelume, Hands, Yates, Taumoepenu, plus more but heading into NSW contract territory.


I am also excited to see how Mataele plays as he is a kid that could be the future at 12 above Doorey and Momoisea.

I think there is a chance though we could see Doorey and Momoisea start in the back-row with the sole purpose of them two battling it out for no. 12  jersey in round 1.

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  • I'm keen to see doorey play, if his starting back row for us I want to see what his got 

    • I don't think he'll play the first trial. According to TCT he's been mostly training with the probables in the opposed sessions. Expect him to play the 2nd trial

  • Am I wrong LB but i dont believe Hands has a contract with us anymore.

    I know you have rated him, however 23 games last year at Hooker, /5/8, half, Lock and finally intechange bench with 1 try and 7 try assists, averaged 50 running metres is hardly exceptional.


    Im looking forward to Hopgood, just picked into the all stars game as well.

    • He was in the photo of the squad, he will be with cup this year. He's been training all off-season

      • Hands is not in the top 30 or the development list, meaning he is very unlikely to play. His contract is likely only part time as well.

        • He can be on the bench to make numbers. The second half is where you will see majority of NSW cup players.

        • Well his development must've flatlined. I had him as Hodgson's primary back up 

          • Based on what, Brett? I suspect Jake Arthur will be our backup dummy half.

            • I think Asi was brought in to be our primary no.14, JA to develop in Cup, maybe even transform into a forward?

            • This reply was deleted.
              • Gosh you are positive !!! BA did not restrain from temptation the whole year including going into finals - what makes you think he's a changed man now in this regard 🤔

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