I am only going back here to reinforce the "dumbness" of the climate change groupies, that got on this bandwagon.

Firstly no one denies "Climate Change as being Real" but the real denial is thinking we can fix it! The process being undertaken would work if it was allowed to be on an evolutionary process BUT NO we have to throw the "baby" out with the bathwater......what makes it more infuriating is that empowers morons like the Green's and the Teales to influence the way our country is being murdered.

I say again for the ones that don't want to listen, Australia causes less than 1% of the worlds carbon and we do not need to rush anywhere in getting this right. I think some one needs to be answerable to the rhetoric and bullshit especially the large corporations and the banking sector in decrying lending for our greatest resources.

 Read Greg Canavan (a real world economist) for NOT ZERO and you’ll see...

  1. It can’t happen. Net zero — the goal to be carbon neutral by 2050 — is virtually impossible. We don’t have anywhere near enough copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and other vital resources needed for the transition...
  2. The mind-boggling maths of net zero...to hit our green energy targets, Australia needs to install 40 seven-megawatt wind turbines EVERY MONTH for the next seven years. Do you know how many seven-megawatt wind turbines have been installed so far? None!
  3. The backtrack has already begun. Germany ran back to fossil fuels at the first sign of the chilly European winter...finally admitting how hooked they’d been on cheap Russian gas, the Germans had to restart 20 coal-fired power stations just to get them through winter. Renewables were not an option...wind power has been in steep DECLINE in Germany since 2019…
  4. The technology isn’t ready. Why you need to keep coal-fired power stations running permanently ANYWAY, to provide backup baseload power for when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow...which defeats the object!
  5. The market is two steps ahead. Billionaire investors like Warren Buffett, Larry Fink and Jamie Dimon have been loading up on oil and gas stocks to get ahead of an energy U-turn they see as all but inevitable. Even electric car pioneer, Elon Musk, says that if we attempt to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy, ‘civilisation will crumble...

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  • Any child born recently will see a very different world by 2100. I have seen many technology changes from the 1950s. Most of it taking us onto pathways of self destruction.The world population we have now is unsustainable. 

    Do we fight each other to survive.? Can sanity prevail.Will A I have a part in destruction or survival?  Interesting times ahead. How will we as humanity shape up with dealing with climate refugees.? Could we become climate refugees?

    • Our population is perfectly sustainable. There is unlimited resources out there. 

      • Research suggests otherwise... how many people can the planet support??

        The Thylacine would not be thinking along these lines... I dont eat fish from supermarkets.

  • The left and greens all want least amount of emissions possible, so they push for solar and wind power. The best form of energy that produces the least amount of emissions is Nuclear. There is no reason why Australia shouldn't go nuclear with their energy. We produce a third of the worlds uranium ranking 3rd in production. We do not need to import it. 

    But no the left and greens just shove renewable energy which is trying to grow too fast for it's own good and can still tax us on it. Plus the solar panels we use? They use up more power and resources to produce, plus once they stop work they are hard to dispose of.

    Coal Fire power is proven and effective. But around the world the greenies are just to in depth of climate change to notice the governments are using it to their advantage to get into power and also use it to make more money.

    They are trying to get us to use Electric Cars by a certain date, we need the lithium for those cars but want to stop mining? Also, have you seen the price for electric cars? $38,000 is currently the cheapest, the cheapest for a new one.

    But hey as Albo said before getting into power, if you put solar panels on your car you can charge it in your garage and overnight. Brilliant stuff.

    • Well put and well said LB.....

    • The goal is to kill the private ownership of vehicles.

      They know that electric cars don't cut it for long distances and earth moving vehicles/trucks etc. They will ban petrol vehicles and then kill off privately owned battery vehicles.

      The plan is 15min cities where you will walk or cycle to work. No need for cars. Any cars we see will be shared not privately owned.

      But dont worry, the cunts pushing this at the WEF will still continue flying on private jets and being chauffeur driven in their Bentley's - just not you or I.

      It's not fantasy - the WEF openly admit it and they telecast their DAVOS meetings so all the plebs know what's coming.

      • The city of Oxford in the UK has already passed a law that limits how far it's residents can drive their cars and where they can drive them to. If a resident tries to exceed the allotted distance or drive to a part of town they are not licensed to, the city can, and does, remotely disable your car, impound it, fine you and charge you to get it back. Oh and further restrict when and where you can drive. 

        • Be interesting to see if the health of the public improves, lowering their medical expense and road repairs and potential tax reductions.

      • Do not get me started with those who tell us to do things for the environment but do it themselves. Captain Planet, aka Pat Cummins, makes sure Cricket Australia gives up a multi million dollar sponsor of Alinta Energy because they do not offer solar plans. But renovates his water front home by extending the land on it, isn't that bad for the environment. 

        Australia play NZ in a test series this month, i wonder when he will start rowing considering planes are bad for environment. What about drop in pitches? Wouldn't they be bad for the land? Going to India for T20 for millions or stay in Australia for BBL and not use emmisions in plane flight? Nah i will take the money in India. It is all a publicity stunt to get people on their side. I will not start with the Australia Day thing, despite playing for the country.

        Same with Leo DiCaprio, big ambassador for climate change, doing talks at GC summots and documentaries about the problems. But what did he do around new years in 2022? Took about 30 supermodels to a private island on his private yacht that goes through numerous gallons of fuel. Living the life but is that good for the environment? Or is it in the ocean where it is ok?

        Double standards so we are the lambs being used to change our lives to makes sure their lives stay as is. 

      • "The plan is 15min cities where you will walk or cycle to work. No need for cars. Any cars we see will be shared not privately owned."

        Have a gander at the battle over street usage when cars began to become common place, back to the future?:

        "Before the invention of the automobile, streets were seen as public spaces with a variety of uses and users, pedestrians and children at play among them.

        In Fighting Traffic, Peter Norton, associate professor of history at the University of Virginia, takes us back to the period from 1910 to 1930, when this all changed.

        This period saw waves of carnage on the streets when tens of thousands of people died every year in automobile collisions. Civil groups sprung up to restore safety and strictly limit the cars' invasion of urban streets. Public mournings were held in many cities attracting huge crowds of children and parents. Prominent monuments were erected to crash victims.

        Efficient and popular tram systems became stuck behind private cars. Downtown businesses were increasingly concerned about the resulting drop in foot traffic and use of kerbside space for parked cars. Downtown parking bans were implemented in many cities and were found to increase trade.

        It was widely accepted that speed came at the expense of safety. In Cincinnati, 42,000 people signed a petition requiring all cars in the city to be fitted with "speed governors" that would mechanically limit top speeds to 40 km/h. The movement was defeated in the end when automotive interests (referred to as "motordom") banded together and used their financial clout to run campaigns masquerading as grassroots citizens groups.

         Motordom also used sophisticated public relations campaigns to shift the burden of responsibility for safety onto pedestrians. Framing deaths as "accidents" due to carelessness, they invented the concept of “jaywalking”. “Jay” was previously a negative term meaning roughly “hillbilly”, “hick”, or in Australian slang, “bogan”.

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The Badger replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
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Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
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EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
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