Wanderers atmosphere

Went to the game last night at Parra for Wanderers vs Sydney FC. The atmosphere was phenomenal and trumps anything in Australian sport. From the pre game march to the actual game itself, the whole thing is amazing.


How come soccer always manages to get so much passion and atmosphere compared to a rugby league game? I would love if Parra games had the same vibe 


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  • Gather  atmosphere might be great but the game is boring 

  • It's a toss up between Union and soccer for the most boring sport created. Union ahead on points. 
    Great to see we are getting good atmosphere all the same. EPL atmosphere is next level

  • Interesting blog. Good one for a Social researcher/ Industry Anthropology scientist to study.

  • The passion and atmosphere comes from the wogs. They bring their Italian, Greek, ex-Jugo,Spanish, Turkish supporting ways.

    My mob from Athens. Watch from 4.50 mins and onwards.


  • I've been following the Wanderers since day 1. They've been a breath of fresh air to the West Sydney community and are the only club that unites the area considering that NRL has multiple West Sydney teams. If you think that atmosphere was great and that was your first experience then you've seen nothing compared to what it was between 2012-2016. They've had a bad past few years unfortunately due to poor management and recruitment, but look like they are on the up this season (last night being an exception with terrible ref decisions ruining the game).

    The Wanderers active support (Red & Black Block) cops some bad raps and are labeled as thugs, but they are the ones who put the A League on the map and changed the landscape of active support in Australian sport. 

    It's the usual suspects, the old white bogans from all the other sports that shoot it down due to jealousy. 

  • I live in England and the atmosphere at Rugby League games is ten times better than the NRL. The atmosphere for football matches is also 100 times better than A-League games. It's just not part of Australian culture, singing, chanting, doing curva displays before the game, away days (Drinking, causing trouble etc). 

    • I agree mate. Unfortunately, Australians are just too boring when it comes to active support in sport. We just never inherited the culture from England which is a shame considering we are such a talented sports nations and punch well above our weight given our small population and multitude of sports that we compete in.

      • I guess you've never been to the cricket ?  Just because the NRL over police their crowds and the soccer know they need ro let their spectators create the atmosphere , doesn't mean Aussies are boring.  The fact of the matter is that Aussies have been policed into stopping their crowd activities.  Watch the replays of the crowds at the SCG back in the day.  Every year we are seeing them getting stricter and stricter at the cricket.  

  • Well their supporters are only out of their kebab and chicken shops once a fortnight , so they always make the most of it.. plus the games so fucking boring to watch , spectators have to do something to make it an enjoyable night.  It's pretty logical actually. 

    Exciting to watch = crowd concentrating on edge of seat 

    Boring as batshit = Crowds distracted and concentrating on kissing and hugging each other, mesmerised by pretty lights and flares , virtually have succumbed to the fact they have to produce the entertainment. 

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Graham polkinghorne replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"Well let someone else pay it. Right now he is average. Have a look around at what you can buy for 500k."
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