Wish I may Wish I might

In light of recent developments, how might you wish. What sort of Eels team are you wishing for? Hard/ resilient, Expansive, consistent, unprodictable? We have been ALL this we done. same repeat?  pick a coach who presents something new, just saying

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  • Like the Storm or Penrith. Always in the fight, never get flogged, replacement players get the job done, can pile on points if there is blood in the water. 

    • I can't see the banker/bosses being to adventurous in their choice.  Expect the tried and true, it just compliments their conservative nature.   

      • Just saw Barrett say repeatedly  WE have to get the players head space right. Arthur always said the players were responsible for their mental approach. A major difference  straight off. Let's see.

  • 'Pick a coach who presents something new' - this.

    Could be very wrong but I don't personally believe the 'old school' Madge type is going to get this particular roster to the promised land.

    I feel we'd see improvement in discipline, attention to detail, consistency, but just not sure he is the type to get the best out of enigmatic talents like Dylan, Carty, Moses, Lomax. 

    Thats not necessarily a criticism of Madge, its more looking at this with the perspective of the Eels current roster.

    I would love to see a coach nurture individuals unique strengths (a Bennett quality), something I am critical of BA on as I do believe he is very one dimensional.

    The Eels are the best second phase team in the comp, bar none, but use it so poorly.

    Our best years since the 80's have been on the back of second-phase, expansive & unpredicatable footy, for me, thats the DNA or at least a large part of it while this roster is in place.

    But its useless without speed around the ruck, bodies in motion, support runners.

    Resilience, imo, comes off the back of confidence, structure, belief in yourself & teammates that you can defend your goal line set after set.

    Not trying to be harsh, because BA did a lot of good & has taken this all extremely well, but not sure any coach could do a worse job of the defensive structure of the Eels than BA has - he definitely has some great strengths, defense, was just a major & vital weakness

    Whoever the new coach is will improve this side defensively, which isnt hard, when we are currently the worst defensive side in Eels history - so hopefully, we see a renewed defensive system with whoever gets the gig.

    • "I would love to see a coach nurture individuals unique strengths" ...works to make a great team of whoever's. NOS for me too that is what being a coach is all about!! If they can't do and see how to do that then they shouldn't be ready to be called a quality coach. 

      • Mace, agree, no doubt its very complex & I think to BA's credit he had this ability with getting all types of players to put in the ‘effort’ to his strategy (for the most part, until they are exhuasted).

        But the best coaches (as you said) seem to get players performing with the confidence & freedom to play their natural games?  

        We have some very naturally gifted players in this roster, and at times, we’ve seen what they can do but for whatever reason, and I'm not blaming BA, this side always reverts to a very monotone style when oppositions are up in their face & applying pressure.

        They fold instead of adapting? Which also could speak to the mental side of the game where we all hope a new coach utilises better resources here.

        We as fans don't have the answers obviously but hopefully a new coach does.

        There is an opportunity to see what other strategies with this roster could accomplish, asking more of defenses within our own half, and within their red zone, because the style the Eels have been playing is on a steep downward trajectory - especially with an aging forward roster. 

        Hopefully a new coach can be brave enough to re-write this & utilise specific strengths more.

  • I want a team that plays with flare but one that's resilient in the face of adversity. A team that can adapt to the conditions and the style of its opponents.

    A team that can change tactics mid game if impacted by an injury or sin bins etc...

    A team that always attacks whenever in defence or in attack.

  • Great replies, yes a resilient team, that personifies our club. A team who plays for the 80 minutes, a team who can stand up defencively when under seige, 

  • I would like to see a coach with completely different defense structure. 
    also knows hiw to get the best out of each player, similar to how Bennett & Bellamy can.

    and someone to look at our aging roster and chase better quality players instead of discards and other teams rubbish

  • The game has moved on and we have not Our forwards are unfit and unable to control the ruck or defend the middle effectively.....which means no space in attack for our backs and defensive pressure every set and score blow outs.   the collision chasing power forward is not what the game is now...you need to be be fit mobile and fast all over the park.... we have no workers in our pack...

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