Who would you swap for Lomax?

With all the talk that Flanagan won't realese him early unless he gets a good player. Who would you let go? 

Me personally I would let Paulo, Sivo or Matterson go fo him. Paulo just seems to be running in cruise control these days, doesn't have the same effect he once did. 

Lomax would be a great pick up and needed for our backline, we must go hard for him. 

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        • Either way, it will only be good for Sivo.

        • I wouldn't be swapping penisini and Russell, let them build the combo. Lomax will be fine on the left with Dylan, Lane and sivo. 

  • What about Lane. His start to the season this year has been pretty ordinary. Suprised he hasn't had a mention in this conversation. 

    • I don't think flanno would swap him. Lane is cooked with injuries or confidence or something. He hasn't been himself for ages. 

  • O'fahengaue 

    Thought he was better off bench last week but nowhere near as good as Junior off bench . We would not miss him 

    • If we had to trade ( and I don't think we do) Ofa would be my choice. Maybe Matterson but he's still got some value to add from the bench and an edge. 

  • Those who are saying Gutho have got no idea. That swap would make us weaker. Gutho is the best defensive fullback, safer than most under the high ball, one of the best organisational and fittest players in the game. You want to swap him for an unproven fullback who will probably be better in attack, but that's all.

    • Only two fullbacks in the game atm I would move gutho for, that's move position and not trade. 

      Dylan Edwards or Reece Welsh. 

      No way would you trade him. Especially for a centre when we don't have a great back up fullback in waiting 😂

    • I'm a bit concerned about gutho I think he might be cooked physically,  he has been putting his body on the line for so long now it looks like his body is starting to break down. A move from fullback might not be too far away, if we miss out on lomax I would consider moving gutho to centre next year, just need to make sure we have a decent fullback to replace him at the back.

      • Iongi from Panthers is who I would be looking at. He is stuck behind Edwards. Defensively he is great and offers more speed and agility than Gutho in attack. The only downside would be that Talagi future to FG would be blocked for a while.

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