What am I missing here?

For the past three seasons at least, opposition teams have gone to our wing on the tryline and found at least 20 meters of unmarked territory. they just stroll over for a try. Again today. What's going on? If I can see it surely a coach can see it and do something about it.



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  • Yeah it's so frustrating, I have 0 confident in our defence. This jam in style with cover players coming cross just isn't it. I don't know why we can't just slide across like any other good team does. 

  • Sivo spent most of the game standing 30 metres inside his side line. 

    Thier first try was embarrassing. It's the very same movement, opposition teams have been using against Sivo for years. Time and time and time again. 

    Why hasn't it been fixed?  Who is responsible? 

    Whilst I haven't got a great opinion of BA as a tactician, I refused to believe that the coaches haven't told the thick head to stay on his wing. 


    • Plenty of teams get caught in that movement and we ae not on our lonesome, we do it ourselves to other sides, how do you think Sivo scores most of his tries....

      Jack and Hugo are frustrated, well i suggest you boy's draw on your extensive playing careers and help to change the situation, between BA, Barrett and all the other coaches on call to remedy the situation......yes we are all frustrated like I already said but asking who is responsible and why hasn't been fixed is above both your playing weights.

  • Sivo played hopelessly today, he was miserable to watch

    • Look I am pissed off as much as anyone with Sivo but it is too early to start calling for his head after one trial.

      In normal supporter fashion on this site we love to put the boot in. Next game he might do everything right and you will have put your nooses away. 

      A little perspective now and lets wait untill  he has actually murdered someone before hanging him for it.


      • Sorry Poppa, but where have you been for the past few years? I have posted and commented about Sivo for ages now and today was just a reinforcement of my previous comments. Why can't BA see this? He is a great finisher and aside from that he offers NOTHING. He is lazy and inept and I laugh my guys out at those that claimed he was a better player than Semi. Yeah right! Sivo is not worthy of tying Semis bootlaces. Time for BA to give Sivo the wake-up call and if he doesn't aim up, see you later!

        • EE, I think your missing the point, you need to be calling for BA's head or Sivo's head. In calling for Sivo's head and not seeing any action, you have to blame the coach.....which way do you want it? Nothing to do with me?

      • 1 trial that cost 3 weeks suspension and poor defence from Sivo he's as good as tits on a bull. Eels recruiting need there heads read for not recruiting better. Eels need better wingers 

  • Sivo was average at best.

    I'd rather Simonsson/Harper as the wing/centre combination.

    • Sivo was average, but who is setting our tryline D? Is it Sivo? Why do we leave so much space out wide. 

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