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I’m moving into a new house in Stratford Gardens retirement village in 3 weeks. At the moment I have Telstra phone and internet and Foxtel with Netflix. I can’t have Telstra at the new place something Telstra doesn’t use fiber optic which is required by the village so I’m going with Origin. Foxtel and Netflix is a waste of money and I don’t need a home phone. I only watch movies and sport so the question  is  what is the best provider for me  I am thinking Kayo and Disney +

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  • I would suggest Kayo+Netflix

  • Kayo and Netflix or Kayo and Binge.

    I have Kayo, Netflix, Binge, Disney and Amazon Prime.

    They are all good.

    I also have a VPN so I can watch all of the overseas versions to.

    • Yep 👍 binge has more Aussie stuff, some of it's pretty good. They all charge by the month with no contract, so best bet is to try them out until they get stale and move on to the next one.  Rinse and repeat. Disney is long much chop from what I've seen, good for kids. Does have a lot of old classics. 

  • Slugg

    Netflix have a plan that's only $ 7.99 a month  - it called Standard with adds. I've had it for a year and you honestly hardly notice any ads maybe a couple per movie which is good timing for a cuppa

    Kayo seems a good deal I think it's 25 a month or thereabouts. 

    If you want foxtel with sports try and haggle them down telling them you've been a long term member 


    Good luck sluggy 

  • Kayo's good. I've got it. Tonnes of sport. $25 per month.

  • Kayo here Slugg... $25 for HD / 1 screen... or $35 for 4K / 2 screens at once... covers every sport I watch easily.

    Other stuff... I've got most of them, mainly due to the wife and watching all that housewives shit... everything she watches seems to be spread over just about every streamer... that said, still cheaper than when we had premium Fox with a couple of boxes.

  • I've got Kayo, no brainer really. $25 for 1 screen at a time. Also have Netflix and Disney. Disney has some good stuff, but the main reason we have it is for the kids. We have Netflix as well, and that could be first to drop, doesn't seem to be as good as it used to be. Binge or Stan may be what I look at getting instead.

  • Kayo for sure tossing up between Dysney Stan and Paramount+

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