Sivo isn't good enough..simple!!!

We won which is good but it doesnt change the fact sivo is overrated.

He proves again and again he just isn't good enough. He is super one dimensional.

His defensive reads are absolute trash, let's in easy try's is super sus under high ball. Turns like a bus.

He is a great finisher close to the line and makes the occasional decent run in space.

He's 105kg and runs like a 87 hilux marshmallow. 

Put dragons Mikaele Ravalawa's heart in sivos body you have the best NRL winger.

I may be the only one but I'm so done with his lazy ass efforts and lack of footy brain. 


What you guys think? 


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  • Ravalawa has scored 6 tries in 9 matches this season.

    Sivo has scored 14 tries in 12 matches this season.

    Yes his attitude can be frustrating and he doesn't really run over people like he used to, but he's doing his job when it comes to getting us tries.

    • One plays for former grand finalist. One plays for current spooners on ladder.

      Sivo has it much easier here. Put him in that dragons side and watch how he become average at best. 

      His issue is effort, he's got the talent, size etc..he's a lazy mutha fuka

      • Haha most of the time on here  players apparantly players can't play anymore when they come to Parra but with Sivo if he played for another team he wouldn't score any tries and it's only because he plays for Parra - rightio 

    • If he can lower his centre of gravity and run with intent near the tryline why can't he do it off a kick? It's frustrating because sets are built on tackle 1 and Sivo always plays the ball on  island time. 

      What also annoys me with Sivo is when he's put into a break early in a set, mostly he'll go for a low percentage play trying to score instead of taking the tackle and keep building pressure


  • Just 2 bad defensive reads.

  • I think we are the only fan base where when we win, we attack players and criticise them. With Sivo I don't think he's been the same since that ACL injury, he looks scared sometimes to put his body on the line when making a run at someone. But in saying that, he's like most Fijian wingers, they score a lot of tries but can also have bad defensive games or drop the ball. If you look at Vunivalu and Ravalawa, they are not perfect, even Semi wasn't perfect and had some really bad defensive games. It's probably why Fiji will never win the World Cup lol.

    • I mentioned that he might be protecting himself from major injury which equates to protecting his livelihood. Knowing that he is the breadwinner, he maybe does not want to get an injury that will costs him in not getting a good contract or worse be out of the NRL. Ergo, he is not playing with his heart but with his concern for his pocket. But can we blame him if ever this is his way of thinking?  Again, we can just assume this. But comparing him to Ravalawa's hit-ups and PCMs, Ravalawa beats him easily. 

  • Theres some fairness to these claims imo and its been showing for a while, its his lack of pace that really hurts his game.

    Great power game near the line but needs to work on his game off and on the ball in our own half.

    All in all i was pretty happy with the win, scrappy but we got the job done which was the important thing, now we need to get the next win and its 7/7.

  • Thought he played ok but lacks those kick returns he use to have and needs to improve there and yes seems lazy and not sure what to do in defense.

  • A bloke his size, and on the odd occasion, proven pace and strength...its so frustrating watching him play with the handbrake on. Yes he's bagged a hell of a lot of tries,  but dude has all the physical ingredients to absolutely dominate that side of the field. His mental state, many of the decisions he makes, its like he thinks he's 45kg or something. 

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