I am all for the NRL doing what they can to protect players from concussion given the recent studies into the subject.  However, the NRLs own rule changes have actually contributed to this issue.  The NRL made these rule changes with the clear intent of speeding up the game as a spectacle for the fan base.  However,  in doing to, we now have players, having to make decisions at increased speed, with players travelling at increaed velocity and with the introduction of a next level of fatigue all designed and intended by the rule changes. This includes rules such as set re start and of course the change from 5 metres to 10 metres.  This change naturally means players both in attack and defense are impcating each other at increased velocity and momentum.  As a result, we are seeing the number of highlighted tackles gone wrong that are careless or wreckless as compared to intentional. The new rules have in many ways created the very issue with concussion whilst they at the same time are attempting to crack down on.


Secondly, when will common sense and mitigating circumstances be taken into account by the Judiciary.  Tedesco has for his entire career, frequently dropped his body height and fallen away as he approaches the defensive line.  His own actions have contributed to this particulare tackle.  Taking into account the aforementioned points with increased velocity and momentum, how can any defending player who is fully committed to a tackle, in such a short distance and space if time supposed to be able to adjust the Tedescos last minute drop in body height and position? Common sesne has gone out the door, partially due to the hysteria created by anti eels commentary.  Refer to the two photos below of Tedesco which are prior to impact.

Finally, the initial impact was clearly shoulder to shoulder.  Tedescos head whips forward and impacts Simmonson, not as a result of direct impact to the head, but as a result of the sudden stopping of his momentum by the shoulder to shoulder contact.  How is that any different to a player that gets tackled and whose head whips forwrd into a players knee for example.  That does not mean the defender kneed to attacking player or attacked the attacking players head.  

Just come on.








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  • Yeah, EE. 

    Whoever tackles Teddy & tries to do a stock-standard ball-and-all tackle, is at risk, and between a rock and a hard ball, as Teddy crouches or drops  into the tackle. There's no time to pull out. Where are they going to go?

    Not sure, but maybe Teddy's instinctively getting a lower centre of gravity when he's about to get hit. He's been doing it for years.

    Tackling lower actually presents higher concussion risk to the tackler. You're likely to get hit by Teddy's hips and mid-rift. Plus it won't prevent the Teddy offload. What do we do? Let Teddy pass and fall over? 

    Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done about this with all the concussion-concerns and player welfare due-diligence: the fear of litigation and negligence.

    Mind you, behind the scenes, for all their apparent concern for player welfare, the NRL are playing a very different game when it comes to CTE.

    The NRL's brain experts are distancing themselves from CTE-related issues and downplaying it as not necessarily directly related to footy.

    Quite the contrast to their welfare player position when it comes to concussion.

    Unfortunately, CTE is about regular head traumas and small knocks or force (not just concussion) and so presents a far more formidable and inevitable problem - eventually. But until then we can only discover the CTE issues seen in Steve Folkes, Paul Green,  one other NRL player (not sure who it is) posthumously and if their brains our donored. Royce Simmons, Mario Fenech, Ian Roberts and James Graham all will almost certainly have CTE. 

    Once that asteroid hits, eventually, years or decades from now, via testing on the living, the shite will really hit the fan. 

    •  Well said HOE.  It does my head in!

    • Mark Carroll as well

  • Nickname should be The koala ..  

    • Dropbear!

  • I think Robbo fucked us in his press conference, he said he was filthy it wasn't a send off during the game, but then he watched it again and it wasn't that bad.

    I disagree, it was a horrible tackle on teddy and simonsez should be banned from ever playing for the Eels again. 

    • LOL, OK, on that basis we need Waqa Blake to make some horrible tackles!

  • For some reason Tedesco drops as he hits the line. He's gonna have to run upright or his career might be over. Sure he will get a bunch of players sent off along the way but it hardly seems worth it for his health.

  • Do we all think this was a fair call given Tedesco always drops his height and falls away when he passes at the line?

  • OK, I get it, no one gives a shit!

This reply was deleted.

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