
  • Lacks Sivo's energy and enthusiasm 

    • And pace.

  • 😂 no we aren't looking at Fijian flyers no chance mind you I been posting multiple players like this here's the one I'd have had a crack at.This is Vinaya Hibosi in his rookie season in Super Rugby.In this footage he absolutely strips Jordan Petaia who the Dragons are looking at for a code swap.What you have to also realise here at the time of this video Hibosi was only 21 yrs old.This is the type of explosive athleticism you get if you go looking up in Fiji for outside back types.

    • Wow this bloke seems to accelerate through the collision 

      • Too late man he's playing international rugby for Fiji for fun and is now earning big coin in France but this is the calibre of urgent athlete you get in Fiji in the outside back stakes.

    • That dude is seriously impressive... there was more speed / oomph / fitness in 1 of any of those runs than Sivo shows in a season. Speed, skill, strength... what a combo... and zero fear or concern taking on a forward pack either.

      By comparison... and I'm generalising a bit... we have a bloke with stats that greatly inflate the perception of what he actually does on the field, who 80% of his tries involve a couple of steps and putting a ball down, who farts around every play the ball regardless of what momentum he is killing, who offers absolutely zero punch off our own line, who has a dumb hitting technique that costs us via suspension, who hits the ball up like someone half his size & weight, who is slower to get back on side than some forwards and who looks gassed after running more than about 30m... after which point it looks like he's running in quicksand.

      That Hibosi fella would be worth 3x what Sivo-Sivo-Sivo is on... and he would not be unique, there would be more than a few others like him. Sivo would be more useful to us shifting heavy furniture around the leagues club.

    • How are we going to generate a slow play the ball with that type speed plus he spoils the goal kicker by running it around to the sticks

  • Doesn't have Sivo's skip or limp in his arsenal sorry...

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