
  • Yes

  • I was the first to vote no. I cant get past the bubbling.

  • Thanks for your vote guys, democracy in action! haha

  • Yes But Carney Wont Be Cheap $600k

  • Yes
  • Be good to see Cornish get a go I think .
    But Carney would be a good buy .
  • Carney and Farah..... For the right price
  • Yes, even if we have to pay him a fair amount. We need a half, particularly one with a good kicking game. Strict contract that says if he stuffs up his contracts ripped up.
    Also have Cornish and robson playing for wenty in case it goes south
  • Yes. Carney love him or hate him is pure talent.
  • Definitely go after him good goalkicker as well just put the right clauses in.
This reply was deleted.

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LB replied to Joel K's discussion Eels keen on 3 players
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