Roosters prop Jared Waerea-Hargreaves - Who runs the NRL.

Loophole could allow fiery Roosters prop Jared Waerea-Hargreaves to play Las Vegas jaunt




A loophole could allow Roosters firebrand Jared Waerea-Hargreaves to return from suspension just in time for the club's Las Vegas jaunt next year.

The Roosters will play the Broncos in the American party capital on March 3 as part of an historic double-header to kickstart the season.

Veteran prop Waerea-Hargreaves looked certain to miss the trip when he was whacked with a seven-game suspension for losing his head against the Tigers in round 26.


The Chooks have since played in round 27 and then two finals, wiping three games off the Kiwi's monster ban.

And now New Zealand Rugby League has done Waerea-Hargreaves, and the Roosters, a huge favour by naming the prop in the squad for the Pacific Championships.

New Zealand will play a tri-nations tournament against Australia and Samoa next month.

New Zealand Rugby League chief executive Greg Peters confirmed to The Sydney Morning Herald they had included Waerea-Hargreaves name in the preliminary 30-man squad despite him not being available.

With Waerea-Hargreaves named, the two pool games now look certain to be included in his suspension. And if the Kiwis qualify for the final it will be three, leaving just one game on his ledger to serve.


That could come in the All Stars game early next year, with Waerea-Hargreaves likely to be named in the Maori squad despite not being available to play.

If that happens, his seven games would be up and he would theoretically be free to line up for the Roosters in round one in Las Vegas.

Ultimately, however, it is up to NRL judiciary chairman Greg Bellew to decide which games count towards a suspension and he will rule when Waerea-Hargreaves can make his return.

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  • Honestly he's a liability for them anyway and couldn't care less if he plays or not 🤣

    • thats possibly true Eli. I just hate the double standards employed. Depending on whom you play for. We didnt get any consideration in regards to Mattersons self imposed suspension and our attempts to reinstate the fine instead, nor when Dylan Brown was stood down prior to court when Burgess charged with the same touching offence at  souths wasnt. Yeah Im whinging but its the orf season now and it pisses me off. It dosnt serve the NrL well with these perceptions.

      • Yeah I see where you are coming from and NRL does take care of certain teams. Roosters get every advantage possible

  • A seven week suspension originally, but loopholes let him play first game next season. Just dosnt smell right and once again gives the perception that the rorters get special treatment. Just dont smell right.

    • It does but then karma injures 3/4 of their roster so it evens out usually 

  • There was surely no guarentee that he was going to be picked by NZ. Not like Wighton with Indigenous All-Stars where of course he would have been chosen for that game.

    Plus he was cited numerous times this year without a ban until recently, Robinson carried on about his suspension yet he got off so many times during the year. Though will say also JWH and Radley are the two most targeted players in the game by the refs, it is the match review committee that are letting everyone down.

  • Gee I hate the way this works.

    If you get suspended, you are not eligible for any other higher level games. Simple.

  • As much as I dislike The storm I was so glad to see them defeat the roosters,glad to see the last of them for this year .

  • Why the hell would NZ pick him if they know he is suspended and can't play anyway? 

    They can't be serious! Uncle Nick must be setting up a foundation for NZRL or something. 

    Time for NRL to start suspending players until a date not games so they avoid this BS.

    • This. 

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