Remis Smith and Justin Olam

Surely these 2 cannot play reserve grade for Melbourne and Melbourne cannot be cap compliant. Either or both of these players would be handy for us as we wait for the current batch of juniors to develop. Melbourne have significantly upgraded a number of their players so something must give.

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  • They both suck, remis has always sucked.

    • If they suck, then where do you rank Simonsson in centres of the NRL? At least they can defend. 

      • Simonsson isn't a 1st grader.

        I would take Olam over Simonsson every time.

        If we go into next season with the same backline as this year we are screwed. 

      • Who's Simonsson?

  • Olam would be very handy

  • If Bellamy doesn't think they r good enough I can't see them doing welll here 

    • Would rather us pick up the Storms rejects instead of picking up the Dogs rejects.

  • What a brain fart by Bellamy not picking at least one of these guys.

    Tonomipea has missed two tackles for two tries. Don't 💬 Remis or Olam miss both...

  • I'm not sure why he's not picking Olam it's strange 

  • Olam has lost a step, especially in defence. 

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