Luke Burt Qld cup Grand final Coach

Could be a potential future NRL coach. Won the preliminary by 50 and fits the modern new age coaching style.  In his first season with the Burleigh Bears is in the GF being played today.   

The Eels should view him in the leading group when it comes to replacing Arthur  .   

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  • Could certainly be offered an assistant role to see how he goes.

  • What particular strengths does he have as a coach ? 

    • None really, other than he's an ex player and can put out some witch's hats and blow a whistle.  He's been around the coaching scene for years and hasn't done anything of note other than lose an under 20s GF. 

  • Chief, the other bloke who also coached his team to the QLD cup GF is a nobody. Just to put it in some perspective, I'll use Holbrook as an example as many see him as a NRL coaching failure. 

    Holbrook won I think 3 , may have been 2 NSW cup GFs with Canterbury , he made 3 GFs , and then totally dominated the ESL , like super dominated it. And then came here and got the chop from his NRL gig. That's how big the gap is.  I loved Burty as a player , one of my all time favs. But his coaching resume to date ain't much to write home about. When Burty had the reigns of The Titans they were stinkers . Obviously wasn't his team, but they didn't show any signs of improvement and he won himself a spoon. 

    • Well the point is that it's a long road to becoming an NRL Head Coach. Now Luke Burt may very well become an NRL Head coach in the future, but being a Q Cup HC is one step in that process. 
      I mentioned in another blog last week that the development pathways for coaches is in worse shape than the playing pathways. 
      But that's for another blog. 

      • To Burt's credit, he had to rebuild this Burleigh side's spine. They lost all their spine players at the end of last season.

        Interestingly his assistant coaches are Matt Keating and Michael Witt.

        I do agree, Brett and Trent Robinson said something similar last year. The vast majority of NRL coaches come from NRL systems meaning the game develops slowly and there is little appetite for real innovation.

    • It was just the defence of the Titans that needed work. Their attack was very good. 

  • I wonder when people will be able to put 2 and 2 together and work out just how hard it is to have a winning team/culture.

    it takes more than a so called great coach, it's is a combination of the coaching staff, the board and players all being the exact match. Simply throwing in a so called great coach isn't enough.

    Point in fact #1. Wayne Bennett, awful at the Knights and the Dolphin's started great but fell off in the end.

    Point in fact #2. Craig Bellamy. Poor record with NSW.

    Point in fact #3. Ivan Cleary. Ok at the Warrior's but not great, let go from the Panthers, poor at the Tigers.

    Point in fact #4. Madge McGuire. Hasn't done much at all since leaving the Bunnies.

    The list goes on and on.

    Could changing the coach turn straight into premiership? Yes, it could but it could also put us 10yrs backwards. 

    If the Eels change the coach then so be-it but if that's all that changes, don't expect that to be the guaranteed answer because it could just as easily be the worst thing to do. 

    Every year we get the similar blogs with members making out like it's that simple and obvious. It's probably not but sure, there's a chance it could be but it's probably slim at best. 

    Winning premierships seriously is like catching lightning in a bottle. Some get extremely lucky and do it multiple times but most never do it. Individually that is.

    • Players make coaches.  Look what Reece Walsh and Reynolds have done to Broncos.  Reynolds had few injuries last year but played most of this year.  Also the attack of Walsh has Broncos confident in games.

      With confidence and scoring points Broncos are puting pressure on opposition teams to score leading to them making errors.  Scoring points also helps control possession and minimise fatigue making defence easier..  You see plenty of sides lift a gear after scoring as it gives them am energy boost and confidence.

      Now is Kevvie a better coach from last year from when numerous players called him out as being shit coach and seeing team drop from top 4 out of finals or year before when they failed miserably?

      If Robinson is a super coach, or O'Brien a good coach why did they wait till end of year to get roosters and knights to win games.  Why didn't they use their super coach skills to win earlier or last year?

      A good Coach can bring success to average teams, but a good side and players can also bring success to average coach.

      • Spot on. 

        If BA can't do it then it will likely take more than changing him out to do it. 

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