Jett Cleary off to NZ

Youngest Cleary has signed for the warriors, lot of these young halves don't want to be stuck behind great halfbacks. Not sure if it's the best career move lol 

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  • Funny enough he is also eligible for the kiwis after being born there 

    Imagine a Cleary v Cleary international 😂

    Jet Cleary is a good player a mate of mine who works in the Penrith jr system reckons he has that something special 

    • Could be as good as the big brother apparently. 

    • jett isn't rated as high as Nathan 

      • The best halves coming through the grades now is Ethan Sanders and Mitch Woods from dogs.

  • Getting him out of the Sydney spotlight isn't a bad thing and having Webster there also is a bonus as they coached together at the Warriors.

  • Smart move by the Clearys. Gets Jett out of his brother's shadow, playing under a Coach they know and trust. Win/ win 

    • Yep Ivan probably spoke to Webster about it 

  • Smart move by alll parties. He is not going to be Nathan CLEARY 2.0.  He might be  achance of NRL.   By going to Auckland he gets to playw ioth WEBSTER who was in teh Penrith system as know.  He plays his formative years hopefully under Johnson ( elite half ) , a very good rugby league coach ( Webster ) and will be able to develop at HIS PACE  NOT WHAT SPECTATORS, SUPPORTERS, CRITICS OR CLUBS EXPECT HIM TO DO. 

    • Unless it's Ethan Sanders, then it's BA's fault.

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