Now unless you are Super we all know the eels management are beyond useless and need to be removed ASAP as they are useless to the club . 


Last year the great Parramatta management team gave Dylan Brown one of the most outlandish contracts the game has seen , 8 years with options all in favour of Dylan 😂


It was common knowledge that the chooks were sniffing around Dylan so let's play some multiple choice .


A Were Parramatta always going to give DB a outlandish 8 year contract with options in his favour.


B. Did the chooks contact DBs management and request a meeting and DBs management then informed the eels of this which caused them to shit themselves and offer DB a outlandish 8 year contract with all options in his favour 


Here is another thing to ponder , The chooks and panthers will both need a 6 , DB is apparently free to either continue his contract with Parra for the same noney, re negotiate for  more money or negotiate with other clubs for season 2026 


Go parra .

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  • Changing the board / Management has become something close to you Frankie. Who would you replace and who would you replace them with.

    • The board needs to be made up of  people who actually bring something to the table that can benefit the club .

      People who have connections in the business world. 

      People who have the reputation and ability to attract other businesses people to the club who are able to assist the club when the club needs  assistance . 


      The first person I would have on the board is my old sparing partner Mutts and then surround him with the types of people I mentioned . 


      Then what you find happens is that other business people around  the Parramatta CBD look at who is running the club and they get attracted to the club .


      Mutts has built a mini empire on his own and these are the types  of people you need , when you look at people like Mutts you see astute business nous , standards and high achievement and these are the exact people the club has always needed.  


      The other thing with business people who have reached great heights is that they know when when change is needed and they don't tolerate failure which is why they have reached these heights in the first place . 


      Parramatta has not one person on either board who have anything to offer the club other than hiring bottom of the barrel standard people. 



      • Our Two Boards: 

        We talk about them a lot on here, but they are always just The Board. Here are the people, the faces behind our Parramatta Eels. 

        It dosnt appear we have a Nick Politis / Mark Bouris / Russell Crowe / Murdoch family feeling to our board like others do.





        Our Football Club Board.

        Mark Jenkins - Chair (appointed by PNRL)


        James Power - Deputy Chair (Elected)


        Andrew Guan - Director (Elected)


        Azzam Alabdallah - Director (Elected)


        Craig Shannon - Director (Elected)


        Janice Bryen - Director (Elected)


        Michael Karam - Director (Elected)


        Robert Morey - Director (appointed by PJRLRA)

        Rob Morley - Director
        Rob Morley - Director

        Adam Fairley - Managing Director (by virtue of appointment)


        Martina Bialluch - Junior League Operations


        • I think from the Mark jenkins one down are the Junior Rugby League board

        • That is not the football club board.

          The leagues club board  are made up of people who decide who is on the football club board , do you see anyone who would give  you confidence that they would know which type of people are needed to run the football club? 


          These are people who you have  run the leagues club as that is what their credentials  fit . The football club is a whole different animal that requires people who can give it advantages and make things happen for the club . If Parramatta had the right people in place then Wayne Bennett would already of been signed up .


          This board have always shyed away from making big decisions and have always taken the easy option .


          When they needed a new CEO they hired a person who was already involved with the club and Max Donnelly's buddy . 


          When they had the opportunity to sack BA they decided to re sign him because it was easier to re sign what they already had than go out and find a new coach , the thought of finding a new coach most likely petrified them . 


          When they needed to do a review they got advice from the Wests Tigers who recommended  the two people who did the review , it was easier to hire them than go out and do some research and hire the best people , fancy getting advice from the tigers🤣


          When they needed a director of football they hired someone who had been recommended to them by the people who did the review rather than go out there and find the best person for the job . 


          Was Jim Sarantinos the best man for the job ? NO 

          Was BA the best man for the job after 2018? NO

          Was Mark O'Neill the best man for the head of football role ? NO


          Wayne Bennett is the  obvious choice as coach and this is the only reason why the club would even consider changing coach and this is because it's a easy decision , if Bennett was not available  they wouldn't even consider getting rid of BA . 

          All this has led to is the club hiring  poor quality people because they don't want to make the hard decisions because it will expose them for being clueless .


          If you have people who are scared of making big decisions and always taking the easier option then you will never move forward , this is why you need specific typed of people to run a football club . 



        • Yes my apoligies the second is the junior RL board.



  • I've been saying for a while I can see the Roosters making a play for Brown even more so now Keary has announced his retirement 

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