Ethyn Martin

One player i am looking forward to see play, and hope he gets minutes, is Ethyn Martin. 21 year old Winger that is not even a year into his return to League. He is raw in terms of development, however has a lot of natural ability. He is tall, has size with a decent build, quickness, agility and ability to play Fullback also. Now as for Wingers, Sivo and Russell are our starters, though Sivo is ageing and has questions marks over his consistency, while Russell is decent there are questions over his potential of what he can become. Martin is raw, though 13 tries in 10 Flegg games is a feat, he is a quick learner. For Martin debuting in NSW Cup in Round 1 is crucial if he wants an NRL debut as soon as this year.

At the moment, it seems the backline in Cup will be:

1. Talagi

2. Dunster

3. Cini

4. Harper/Simonsson

5. Lumelume/Martin.

Lumelume is the competition for him, unless Talagi is moved from Fullback and features in another position or at 14 or Lumelume plays Centre or there is an injury in general. But the trial against Canberra is where he needs to make dent. If the team list comes out and he is not starting, it will be a slow start for him, not be all and end all but starting from that trial is crucial for him and his development.

Compared to all the Wingers in our squads, all of them, Martin is i feel the most naturally gifted. You have Sivo and Dunster who are big body Wingers who are used to make metres and Sivo to use size to score tries. Russell is a worker who does not do anything great but nothing bad either, just that reliable piece. Lumelume is a big body that doesn't move that well and has some ok speed. Martin has pace, size, footwork and natural ability. He has freak tendancies about him. But i preface all that by saying he is super raw, there is a lot of work to do, defence mainly but being a quick learner and already developed physically (Bloke is ripped). Question around Martin is why is he a late bloomer and what happened in Rugby for him not being looked at for Super Rugby. But if you see pics of him from early 2022 in Rugby to now he has easily gained 5kg and added strength.

Overall, i am wondering if anyone could see Martin being that player for us that just comes out of nowhere, but like Semi in 2014 (not saying he will be Semi, just an example). Or Sivo in 2019. Or Ma'u in 2014 came out of nowhere in pre-season to start for 6 years for us.

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      • Dunster in person is a big unit. He's built a lot like Jarryd Hayne - big hindquarters! Russell is going to start but if Dunster continues his pre season form I really think he can be the winger to compliment Sivo 

        • Never rated Dunster.

          Even before his run of injuries , I thought he was a back up reserve grader at best.

          • 2021 he had a great end to the year but went into 2022 wanting us to get another Winger and we did with Simonsson.

          • There is no denying Dunster was a talented junior he was very highly sought after. Gus Gould tried to poach him I believe. The injury was shocking, catastrophic actually.  If he can get back to regular first grade it all be a minor miracle 

            • Well in 2022, Sivo was set to miss the first 12 weeks after recovering from ACL in 2021. Dunster would have gotten all 12 of those games having only 14 at the time. That would have done a bit for his development. Then to not only tear your ACL but MCL & PCL at the same time? It just loses confidence in the stability of the knee entirely. So not only getting confidence moving it in sport but moving it in general.

              Could see late last year he started to get going in Cup and got more confident.

  • He moves like Kotoni Staggs. Hopefully, he can further develop his body for NRL and avoid any injuries. 

  • BEM, everyone is a back up with you at present. I agree with many of your summations, but can't  remember the last time I saw a post that is a remotely positive comment regarding our squad and in particular our up and comers. Come on mate. Dunster had a career changing injury and yet he is back. So did Gutho and look what he has achieved. Russell also building after a devastating injury. Give them a little time FFS.

    • Go back to the start of this blog and my comments were positive. 

      You like some others on here only chose to read the negative comments and have a go at people for it.

      If you don't like my comments, feel free not to read them or respond. Believe me when I say I won't lose any sleep over you not responding. 

      • What were you positive about? A positive negative? Like you , I wont lose any sleep either. I am far from a positive supporter and person and share many of your critiques, but some are just unrealistic and not tested. I respect your opinion, even if you don't respect mine. I just think you are a well intended negitive prick. 

        • Agree EE

          Farking negative shit oozing from the mouth and constantly.

          I'm not over the moon with our recruitment and our right side defence over the past bloody decade, but I'm not on here constantly putting the boot in. Farking tiresome indeed.

          Frank and Chief...ditto.

This reply was deleted.

More stuff to read

EA replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Nava with great work. Winger jammed in but he avoid him and than draws in two more defenders and flicks it out the back the Alamadine who walks in untouched "
37 seconds ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"Wow what a try assist from Nanva. He has really impressed me.
That was slick from Lynn to Sanders. "
52 seconds ago
Eels95 replied to EA's discussion Eels NSW Cup
"He has that aggressive side which I think we need in first grade. Had big hype as a junior. That acl set him back but I am beginning to see why he was so rated as a junior."
8 minutes ago
The Badger replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
"To be fair, we probably dropped the ball before the 6 again call registered."
9 minutes ago