Ethan Sanders / BA

Lost in the million reasons why we should get rid of BA  Sanders leaving the club at the first chance is near top of the list. 
Hes not going somewhere where he'll slot straight into an NRL halves gig .. he's going to be backup for the short term like he is here .

Having a quality young 7 developed in your system is a god send . Eventually if you're good in that area you will lose them , but for those early years of their development they provide you with good backup and in the salary cap era that's your reward for their junior development. Add to that it gives you cover for a couple of years in the ever changing rugby league landscape. Say touch wood someone cops an injury and circumstances chance .. for a couple of years developing the next NRL 7 gives you cover. 
I honestly can't imagine a world where a figure like Wayne Bennett , Gus Gould , Bellamy , Trent Rob etc etc tells a young half we need you the next couple of years and they leave . There's stories about how Penrith had Jarome Luai coming through but signed Maloney to pair with Cleary and Gus sat him down and said sit it out and develop here .. he did and they both got the rewards. Melbourne is currently doing it with Pezet . Clearly , BA and those at the club don't have the same pull . The most promising 7 coming through the grades would rather develop under Ricky Stuart and to me that's another damning reason to get rid of him. He has no clout in the game , his voice means F all . It's at the point where his development history and 3 finals wins or whatever it is in 11 years is a pathetic resume and it doesn't come close to stacking up against the heavy weight coaches.  If Bennett was here I bet he stays . BA has got to go . 

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  • You do realise it's Sanders decision to leave? He is promised first grade time when Fogarty retires or moves on he will be given first crack. 

    Sanders and strange are best mates, bum buddies and played a lot of junior rep footy together. Add into that Stewart as well has played junior rep footy as well with Sanders and obviously strange. 

    Wouldn't matter who the coach was, Sanders was going to join them if he got offered first grade. The only way to stop him would be a massive contract and it's all on potential and no halves position available for him. 

    • No point playing a junior who is leaving, blood someone who is keen to stay. 

    • Don't buy it for a second. If Parra was the best place for his development for the next 2 years he'd stay here.  If Wayne Bennett was coach I'd bet you anything if he wanted him here he'd be here.  The opportunity the raiders have given him is more attractive than what we have and they're both essentially to be the back up half. 
      Only have to watch Mitchell Pearce face to face tonight , was years ago but he signed with Roosters because he wanted to play under Stuart given what he'd achieved as a 7.  What is the lure or developing under BA?  What he did for Jake ? We are behind the 8 ball .

      • He wants to play with his mates as well which was explained. Better money, 12 month minimum of a full-time half back role, Fogarty is injury prone and will get a fair bit of game time next year. 

        Or sit behind Moses for the next 3 for 4 years minimum. Not play with your best mate and earn good coin from next year doing it. 

        Ethan strange was a rooster's junior, left because they have all teed it up to play together. Bennett lost a lot of great halves because lockyer and Alfie were the 1st picks and they didn't want to sit around waiting. This one has nothing to do with ba, wouldn't matter who the coach was. It would be 1000 to 1 you could twist Sanders arm and convince him to stay. 

        Losing Lachlan Galvin is completely on parra and development team. Ba also could of looked at him a lot closer, that one we could of stopped. Galvin doesn't play a power game though. 

        • What was explained to you is BA doesnt have the pull to override those things. Better coaches do. That is my whole argument. If Craig Bellamy went to a promising young half and said I will give you the best development I can for the next 2 years, you learn off our halves and staff... no player worth shit is going to say no thanks I'll move to Canberra because my mates there and the spot might be mine quicker.. no chance.

          BA says it and whats the attraction to stay?  In all seriousness he's likely to buy a 40 year old 7 and send you packing. He isn't a halves developer .. Dylan Browns development has stagnated at times and he's labelled him as ' a footballer ' .. Jake was completely mismanged and is now 3rd string at Manly. You'd be out of there. 

          • You're all arse up Snottie. "If Craig Bellamy went to a promising young half and said I will give you the best development I can for the next 2yrs, you learn off our halves and staff", what happens after that 2yrs?, do we keep him on the books for another 2yrs until Moses moves on or retires. You have rocks in your head if you think he will. This his best chance of making a name for himself at at least triple what he's on here.

            • No one said that . If he's a half who's going to develop into an NRL standard player he will have options at the end of the next 2 years. It wouldn't just be Canberra . 
              Hes not going to Canberra on huge coin or to play 6 or 7. He's not going there thinking Fogerty is going to retire in 12 months . Hes going there to develop for the next 2 years with he hope of taking Fogertys spot when he retires. You have to ask why isn't he staying here where he's come through the grades  and seems to be on a path to being a future NRL player. If he stayed here for 2 years and learned under BA and Moses and began filling in when we needed a half opportunities will be there in 2 years. 
              He clearly sees going to Canberra as the next step in his development. 

              • Snottie, no coach, and I mean NO coach would keep a player at his club and develope him for the next 2yrs on a close to minimum wage, knowing his path to 1st grade at his club is blocked for at least another 2yrs after that. Then let him go knowing that you developed him and he could come back and bite you on the arse. There have been plenty of young halves over the years leave their club for a better opportunity plus bigger contract money. Brodie Croft left the Storm for the same reason Sanders is leaving us, and that was under one of the coaches you preached would talk him into staying so they can develop him, and there are many more.

                • Compete crap. Every top club has high quality developing guys that could get a start now at other clubs. They're not taking the first deal they see because they believe it's beneficial to stay in a strong system with strong coaches and then see what's there when they're ready in a year or 2. Ethan was out the door first time his contract was up . 

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