Does this mean a Waqa Blake Return ???

Does the following statement by coach Brad Arthur indicate that Waqa Blake will return to the centres or on the wing when he's injury free? I sincerely hope not as both Simmonsen and Russell should keep their respective positions in my opinion. This statement by coach Brad Arthur is a bit concerning "“Hopefully we get Reggie back next game and Junior after Origin. Andrew Davey (could be back), Shaun Lane is a couple of weeks away and Waqa (Blake) is probably a week or two after that.

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  • I really hope we get some troops back from the dogs game. Realistically is reg a chance? Paulo and Davey will be back, I personally rather see doorey in over Davey. I can't see Blake coming back in over simmonson or Russell 

  • Winger is Waqa's best spot for us.Right now Russell is cementing a spot.

  • Matto is also back for the Dogs aswell.

  • I think more so depth he is referring to.

  • I let out a fuck no, when I heard him say waqa

  • Unfortunately for Waqa, I think we have cheaper and better options in both wing and centre. Short of injury, I think BA needs to stick with Simminson and Russell. 

  • I think BA is just pointing out that we have quite a few players out, but despite that we are finding ways to win. In the end if he is good enough he will play, but there is competition for spots all over the park.

  • I imagine BA is only referring to injury recovery time without regard as to where or what team if any that player will be selected to to play in when fit .

  • No. He was referring to the long list of unavailable players through injury.

    Doesn't necassarily mean Waqa will be back in the side, i think BA's is just saying he would like the luxury of being able to have him available for selection

    • The thought of that scenario eventuating is no luxury. 

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