SCHOOL -- 1957 vs. 2010

Scenario                 1: 
Jack a high school student goes hunting before school with his Dad and then Dad drops him into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.
1957 -  Vice Principal comes over, looks  at the shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack’s Dad.
2010 -  School goes into lock down, Police called, Jack and his dad hauled off to jail and  never sees his truck or gun again. Counsellors  called in for traumatized students and teachers.    
Scenario                 2:   
Johnny   and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1957 -  Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands  and end up buddies.
2010 -  Police called and SWAT team arrives -- they arrest both Johnny and Mark.    They are both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it .
Scenario                 3:   
Jeffrey   will not be still in class, he disrupts other students.
1957 -  Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal.    He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.                 
2010 -  Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin.  He   becomes a zombie. He is then tested for ADD. The family gets extra money (SSI) from the government because Jeffrey has a disability.  
Scenario                 4:   
Billy   breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a hiding.                 
1957 -  Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman.  
2010 -  Billy's dad is  arrested for child abuse ,  Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair  with the government provided psychologist and has a nervous breakdown. 
Scenario                 5:   
Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.
1957 -  Mark shares his headache with the Principal  who poors a glass of water for him to take it.
2010 -  The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. He is then searched for drugs and weapons.                  
Scenario                 6:   
Alfredo fails high school English.
1957 -  Alfredo goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college.
2010 -  Alfredo’s cause is taken up by state.   Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a  requirement for  graduation is racist.  Green funded lawyers, file class action lawsuit against the state school system and Alfredo’s  English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Alfredo is given his diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English. The lawyers get a Government payout from the high court.                  
Scenario                 7:   
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from cracker night, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a “red ant”  bed.   
1957 -  Ants die.
2010   -  Police, Security and Asio are all called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism.   Asio investigates his parents - and all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.                  
Scenario                 8:   
Johnny   falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee .   He is found crying by his teacher, Mary……... Mary hugs him to comfort him.   
1957  –   In   a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.                 
2010 -  Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her  job. She faces 3 years in Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy and becomes a Green Politician after campaigning as a victim!


Don’t ask me what happens in 2024? but I’m sure the Teal’s can get a guernsey somewhere!


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  • Been on Facebook again pops :)

    Boomers gunna boomer....

    P.s. How good is the Australian Lamb ad doing the rounds atm

    • It's just the best sooo clever 

      poor gen x lol

      • Hey Carls I'm expecting Snake on here after seeing that "raw" lamb on the barbie! Surely that would make you change Carls?

        • I don't do raw poppa 

          I'm not even a massive lamb fan tbh 

          but I make a nice lamb burger 🤔

          too many greasy lamb chops and cutlets in the 80s I think 

      • We live down the bottom of the trench.

        But our time was the greatest ever for music.

        • You are sooooo right 

          iconic music iconic movies 

          best time ever 

          so who cares if we are ignored ?🤔🤣🤣

          • Exactly. We lived through the best time ever!

    • That's great response the way, I'm not on facebook (never have been), wouldn't know how to turn it on.

      Matter of fact I just worked out how to change my password on Telstra ID, that should qualify me for something by itself......that said, I am waiting for the politically correct vegans to come out now after that "Lamb" add...... good news about the dogs in South Korea....too bad about the humans in the rest of the world LOL

      • "I'm not on facebook (never have been), wouldn't know how to turn it on."

        Apologies then, these kind of generic" my generation" type post do the rounds pretty regularly on there.

        On the generation "gap", My olds regularly start conversations with " I saw it on Facebook" while my kids parrot " It's on Tic Tok" , and both use their phones on speaker in public :)

        Some pretty extreme scenarios in your original post "Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal.    He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again." gave me a chuckle! I can't even begin to imagine hitting a kid with a paddle as part of your daily discipline practice :)

        " How was your work hun?"

        "Okay, fuck my arm is sore from paddling kids but"

        • Geoffry is sent to the principals office and is molested by Father Brennan. The 50s were great!

This reply was deleted.

Latest comments

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Graham polkinghorne replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
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EelsAgeMe replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
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EelsAgeMe replied to EelsAgeMe's discussion Seriously the dumbest team in the history of sport.
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"Dumb crack"
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I know what you meant though."
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"Crichton's manager failed him"
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adnan replied to LB's discussion Eels and Broncos proposed trade
"I think they want to get rid of combo. Attitude problem"
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Gutherson's post gane presser message

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