Hobbies thread

So , what do we all play with other than appendages ?  As a distraction over the years ( especially the Kearney / Stuart type years ) we've had threads soap boxing our hobbies and toys which have opened some insights and surprises into fellow members lives other than knowing them as as Avatar photo.  

Might be a drone , gaming PC , bike , boat , car , home made sex toys ( Shaun Johnson for those who remember that great charecter who vanished to jail or whatever happened ) , go kart , stamp collection , ride on mower , lawn porn , whatever  . Whatcha got ? Even if it's something you sold you wished you'd kept . 

I'll start , haven't been able to ride it for about 2.5 years due to medical reasons , but she's an oldie and is far from the new you beaut bikes on the road these days but she'll be getting a complete overhaul when I'm better . It's a slow old cruiser and gets the job done. 

love hearing what we are into. 





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    • Sick. Every man's dream, have you considered the digital ones so you can have every one you please ? I guess it's not the same as having the real thing and feeling the machine doing it's thing.  Those two you mentioned are certainly classics , there was another one about the same era which was a high speed chase where you had to get it into the Supercharger and " shift gear " I loved that machine. 

      • This bad boy was my favourite 





        on another note have you watched the movie that's just been released about the bloke who took his local council to court in the U.S back in the day to change the laws as pinball machines were illegal ?  Pretty good and funny movie. Who'd have thought it was once illegal to play pinball 😂

        The Getaway: High Speed II
        The Getaway: High Speed II is a 1992 pinball game by Steve Ritchie. It is a sequel to 1986's High Speed. Description The Getaway is almost identi…
          • I think it's just called , The man who saved pinball.  Pretty funny and quirky type of movie . Enjoyable even if you're not into it .  

            • Good memories the pinball machine. My brother in law had a Flash Gordon one back in the late 80's, he's an ex policeman so I didn't ask where it came from. Many hours playing that one 

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      • They're the machines that were in the movie that kicked off the banning in the States. They claimed they were being run by The Mob. 

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          • That's going back too far for me wonhy. I remember myself and my mates chocking up the front legs of the pinball machines with our thongs lol. We'd chock up the front of the machine that high it  was  almost level  

            • Dr Wong , how much was average pay back then for you as a junior ? I don't know your age but if you were around a 1970 working junior age you would have been lucky to earn as much as $50 per week before tax . So 3 months wages you won would then only have been about $600 . Was it a good car ?                                                      Just a few years earlier and that amount of $600 could have been a 10% deposit on a  western suburbs fibro house. Today nearly $100k  is required for 10% house deposit .                                                   That's about 2 years of minimum wage salary and would alternatively buy an expensive new car today .                                                                                                   Yes we / our ancestors were much better off back then and that's why often the wife stayed at home - one wage was enough to both own a car without finance and at the same time for many also pay off the house mortgage. 
  • I purchased a push bike yesterday (2nd hand from Canberra). It won't arrive for a week or so and I'm not allowed to ride it for about another month also for medical reasons. That's my hobby.

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