Grinds my gears

Ok this is a rant blog as i want to get opinion of others. It is around Mark Levy, host of the Continuous Call team. I listen to their podcast every week, it is hilarious and good entertainment. But Mark Levy, for years when i first heard him i always felt there was something about him when he was slowly replacing Hadley, just did not like him. Now i can see why i do not. He is a bad case of someone who was obviously bullied when younger, now in a position where his voice is heard and is leading various shows, he bullies people himself. But on top of that, he bullies people but when they talk back he cracks it and cannot take it.

Look at him with the NSW talk of late, constantly berading those who knocked NSW in game I telling us we should support our team no matter what and the series is still alive etc. Which i dislike as fans we are allowed to criticise bad performances, doesn't mean we are not supporting our team but we can critique. Then gets called a cheerleader on Sunday footy show, starts the CCT on Sunday saying "if that makes me a cheerleader then so be it" talking about the comments. Then it is brought up in the news paper by buzz about him being a cheerleader, then again starts both saturday and sunday CCT referencing the comments, even admitted to calling Buzz to ask why he wrote it. Yet he knocks Gal every chance he gets on the show about the way he behaves when he is just as bad or even worse. Callers ring up knocking either Brohman, Riddell, Morris, Flangan, Morrow or even Gallen, he laughs and loves it. They knock him he hangs up and tells them to pull their heads in. 

Someone who never has a mrs, yet rates himself a lot when he is around women. Calls David Morrow boring and makes fun of him, then if someone says he is boring he says "Why don't you host the show then". Or even better, Brohmann or Gal go off about something he laughs saying "They can't handle criticism" but he cannot either. 

It is a small issue but it annoys me when listening, same with the cheerleader comment i was like Mark let it go for christ sakes, keeps harping on it. He is taking his nickname, Little Ray of Sunshine, too literally.

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  • Absolutely spot of assessment of Hadleys love child a dead set moron . I rang up a few years ago when blocker ( another cockhead ) and the Big Marn where on the show with him . Forget what the topic was about . But the way he was going on about . I called him a knob of the highest order. Didn't he have the shits when Block and the Big Marn agree with me . He is always trying to come across like the knob Hadley for sure

    • I remember the day we beat Canterbury in round 7, constantly making it clear he was not convinced with Parramatta, Riddell changed the subject then he said it again. Wanted so badly to ring up and say "Mark, are you convinced with Parramatta? Didn't hear you the first 10 times". Would've gotten a life ban from 2GB for that.

      I just hate people that give jokes but cant take them. Plays humble then brags about the job he's done and how hard it is. Always says he is fat and got a fat head that is why he cant get women, yet says he was at a club the other night and women were all over him. 

      The interview with Webster on Sunday Footy Show was embarrassing, he was wrong and kept going with it afterwards with jabs. The bloke thinks he is a big deal, more likely grew up being bullied and now he has power it goes to his head.

      Yet i feel when he does Hadley's show he actually can report and do talk back very well, just a knob.

      As for Blocker, one of the most overrated personalities in football. Hadley called him the most knowledgable side commentator he has worked with, must not be many then. Brohmann is better than Blocker, he is underrated in how good his footy knowledge is. Blocker cannot get two words out, bit like Geyer yet that bloke get's his own shows at Triple M somehow.

  • By listening you are promoting/condoning his behaviour.

    • True but the others on the show, particularly Riddell are hilarious and have to listen to them.

  • As i said that was quite a few years ago Meelik didn't say i listen now or you just assuming that i listen to that now . The answer to that assumption would be NO I don't 

  • Levy is a complete fwit.

    • Him and Morris are having this friendly banter between each other, Brett Morris that is. Josh is on the show and comments on it, Levy says him and Brett will fight at somepoint. Josh brought up why don't they both fight in boxing for charity and Levy replied "Nah i wont be doing that".

      So talks a big game and wont go through with it, even for a good cause. He is spineless. I reckon he would be nice to meet but as soon as you say something negative or to disagree he will arch up.

  • what i don't understand is why someone would continue to listen to a person who grinds their gears lol.  

    • Cause CCT is not just him, others make it worth listening to.

  • He's a fuckwit, just a fat fuck with a massive ego. Can't stand him. Can't stand Blocker either.  

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