So from 1994 to around 2010 the NRL footy show was the thing i looked forward to every Thursday night, used to watch it as a family. Well i didn't watch it in 1994 but watched the 1994-2002 DVD to the point where the DVD was warped due to how much i watched it. It still is to this day a brunt of a lot of my inside jokes with my Brother and mates and my Dad when he was alive. The decline was when Sterlo left but Matty kept it afloat, when Matty left that was it. Bringing in Beau Ryan who had one or two decent jokes but his catchphrases got overused and embarrassing, it was comedy for 6 year olds, while Matty with Reg and Trent was comedy for teens and adults. I remember being in High School and someone said to me that Beau Ryan was the best thing that ever happened to the footy show to which i politely said they have never watched the show before that if that is the case.
Anyway, i want to run through some of the funniest moments from the show and want to see comments on others opinions.
1). The chili's, infamous but hilarious. That was a defining moment for the NRL footy show and when you talk the footy show majority people say the chili's.
2) George Baggana. When Terry Hill was at the Dapto Dogs and had a winner for a Lowe's $50 voucher, George Baggana. Comedy gold when the boys noticed he practically had no teeth, Fatty asked him "George what about your barry beef, what's happened there", to which Hill said "Fatty said what about your breath, George?". To this day, i cry from laughing at that bit.
3) Mario one eyebrow. When Mario went on a segment of abusing the boys on their faults, Matty counter attacked by showing on a game they played the week prior they asked how many eyebrows does Mario have, the boys answered one, just one. Mario looked straight down the barrel and said "Look i have two, one, two" Pointing at the same eyebrow in the process. The comedy is high hearing Fatty and Sterlo's reaction in the background.
Cannot find the video but it is Footy show 2006.
4) Phil Cass comedy magic. Phil Cass with Mario, just comedic gold. Just have to watch it.
All the street talks are funny, Reg is hilarious and Their House with Ryan Girdler was great.
Prime Footy Show was way better than Matty Johns show, MJS is great but prime Footy Show was untouchable.
The chili's, always the chili's, and the episode where Fatty made out with the old lady with falsies.
That time Sterlo was wearing the safari suit and walking and singing yeah yeah. Sterlo & Fatty were the best, Matty was good. How. Good was Erin?? 😬
Do not get me started with Erin, token female.
Yeah, Yeah lived with Sterlo for so long haha.
Vomitron and Dare Devil dudes.
Mario at the Caxton 2:19. Those drunk Queenslanders lol NSW Wankers hahaha