
          • Suaalii on the Wing would have been a risky choice, him at Centre is worse.

  • That's a depressing looking side , Queensland could break their winning margin record. 


    This should cross Madge out of lisr for Parramatta . 

    • It's funny Fong , I just said to a mate this arvo, imagine all the Eels fans that have sold a reject like Madge to themselves if NSW get pumped.3-0 by massive margins , What then ?   Who then becomes the target #1 for turning us into a premiership force ? 

      • Wiz I think we have more chance of being porn stars  than seeing Parramatta win a Premiership in our lifetime . 

        He we are in 2024 and  we are in the exact the same position we were in under  3p and Parra first ,  having shit for brain people running the club  trying to find a new coach . 



      • Wiz, i am one who leans on Origin coaching results does not have any correlation to NRL coaching as they are two completely different styles of coaching. However, the role of a coach in Origin is match preparation and team selection. If we lose 3-0 with a poor squad than that can definately be an indicator of a poor job done. If Madge somehow gets this squad to pick up a win, then i think we should look at him as it would be a good job done. 

        But a few selections, despite injuries, are a bit how you going. Utoikamanu at least should have got the nod on the bench. Ramien at Centre over Suaalii. Koroisau to me is the best Hooker in the comp, or close to it. But let's see, Game I is a massive game for Madge if he wants the Parramatta job.

        Though i said before and will say again, my now #1 choice is Willie Peters.

    • If we sign Madge, that will just about do me.

      The guys a bigger nuffy than BA and that's saying something.

      • It would be a Kearney like signing for sure. Hope he isn't even on the short list.

        • I wouldn't compare it to Kearney, unlike Madge, Kearney was out of his depth as an NRL head coach. Madge, though capable, loses dressing rooms with his style. That is the main knock on him.

          • You pick your best team LB. Korisau is one of the first I pick, and he's not even in the equation.

            Where else have I seen these dog shit kind of selections? Oh yeh, BA persisting with Lussick thinking he'll become an 80 min hooker.

            F___ing red flag for me.

  • This would have been my team:

    1. Edwards
    2. Sualii/Lomax
    3. Staggs/Latrell
    4. Crichton
    5. Too
    6. Luai
    7. Hynes
    8. Haas
    9. Robson
    10. Yeo
    11. Martin
    12. Crichton
    13. Mcnless
    14. Burton
    15. Young
    16. Leniu/May
    17. Olakatou
This reply was deleted.

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