Who would you swap for Lomax?

With all the talk that Flanagan won't realese him early unless he gets a good player. Who would you let go? 

Me personally I would let Paulo, Sivo or Matterson go fo him. Paulo just seems to be running in cruise control these days, doesn't have the same effect he once did. 

Lomax would be a great pick up and needed for our backline, we must go hard for him. 

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          • Nah Freddie is at the Warriors I think.

      • Flanagan specifically said a hooker or fullback.

        With Lomax at centre and Talagi as back up, we sure as hell don't need Simonsson especially for what he's on.

        If they want a forward then Matterson is the best option. 

        • I didn't hear that bit about Flanagan saying that. Guess we are out of the rat race 

  • Backline:

    Asi, Cini, Dunster, Harper, Russell, Sanders, Simonsson, Sivo and Talagi


    Hands, Doorey, Greig, Makatoa, Matterson, Ofahengaue, Ogden and Tuilagi

    Under the right coaching system some of the above players may flourish better than they have here.

    Reluctantly the only ones I don't want to see swapped out is Talagi and Matterson.

    Talagi needs help defensively but our edge defense has been missing for years.

    Matterson is capable of massive games and in the right head space is valuable to our team.

    Otherwise I am willing to full the tank with premium fuel to make this transaction happen.

    • That's the problem, they all have the talent but for some reason they all get lazy together. Each one can turn a game on it's head but just cruise along. Their attitudes seem to be she'll be right!!! 

      Matto and hopegood have a good interchange routine, no way giving up hopegood, matto I would though. 

  • Matterson 

  • Gutho, he fits the criteria that Flanagan is wanting being a marquee player in our team, he would slot well into the dragons side, there is virtually no difference between his and Lomax's salaries so no huge implications to our cap, his best footy is behind him whereas Lomax's is still ahead. I don't think this deal is going to happen but if I were in charge that's the play I'd make.

    • I don't mind this however Gutherson's defensive prowess is the main reason why I would not part with him. 
      I have little confidence in who would readily replace him at the back with who we have in our current squad.

    • So you would get rid of the only player who actually showed up on Monday? Lomax isn't a fullback.

      • Yeah I would for the reasons stated, it's actually the obvious choice.

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